Author: Michael

Lions Are Just As Magnificent As You Ever Imagined.

I have wanted to travel to East Africa since I read about animals in Tanganyika. As it turns out, 61 years later I made it to the independent county of Tanzania. My wife and I saw everything we hoped to see. Dawn Anderson gave us perfect advice on how to pack, where to go to see what we hoped for and wonderful advice on a rest period before returning home to the U.S. Zanzibar is a great rest and relaxation delight.

Our guide, Ally, had as he termed it, binocular eyes! What we thought was a lion in the distance he calmly glanced and told us it was a group of dry grass. Ally could look left, right, up ,down, shift and talk on his line to other drivers all at the same time! We missed nothing. The great migration was a sight to behold with thousands of wildebeest and zebra crossing all at the same time.

We saw what everyone terms the big 5, but we fell in love with “Tommies” and warthogs and elephants. Who knew warthogs loved to roll in the mud? Who knew just how cute young Tommie’s are! And our guide knew of a certain river spot where hippos enjoyed rolling on their back. Elephant moms are the best and our guide showed us several examples of that fact. Lions are just as magnificent as you ever imagined, both male and female. Their roar could be heard for miles and as you hear that, you can fall asleep with a smile on your face and wonder what the next day will bring.

The camps were great and the people even better. I have never met people as friendly and gracious as the Tanzanian people. Everyone greeted us with a warm smile and “Jambo, Jambo”. They are so proud of their country and its beauty. As you go through the Serengeti you will not see a single piece of trash or sign that a human had been there. This is land that belongs to animals and they allow us to pass through.

We would enthusiastically recommend ADS…they delivered on every single promise made. With special commendations to Dawn, our extraordinary guide Ally, and Faith, who held our hand through passport-visa check points and fully briefed us on our first day and debriefed us on our last day.

A wonderful trip ended with tearful good-byes to our new friends and thoughts of some day returning.

Dan and Emilie W.
Calabasas, California
Safari Dates: September 18, 2014 to September 29, 2014

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My Day-By-Day Safari Journal – September 2014.

Day 1: Welcome to the Jungle
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday morning we were up at 5:30 followed by breakfast and the trip to the Arusha airport where we boarded a 12 seater puddle jumper and flew to a red clay tarmac in the middle of the Serengeti to pick up six others tourist. Next we flew to an orange dirt tarmac near the Tanzania/Kenya border. Thankfully, I have yet to get sick since I’ve eating Bonine like Tic Tacs. I mean, I get car sick riding to Boston and now I’ve volunteered to fly for 24 hours, then get on a very small plane, to which Greg at one point said, do you feel how thin the air is? Do you notice the lack of oxygen? I quickly glanced up to see there was no place for the oxygen mask to come down. But good news, I did not get sick! Our female, solo pilot, Niaoma, was awesome!!

We step out and meet Peter who is to be our tour guide and from now on known as our BFF for the next 10 days. One comment about luggage, ADS provided excellent advice about packing including the reminder that ‘fashion’ has no place on safari so it is hysterical when we get off the plane to see this huge, over-sized, must be checked suitcase. I look at Greg and we both thank ADS after we stopped laughing. We leave the airport straight for the bush and an exciting day of scouting.

Now, I’m going to try to be truthful in these reports, but as many of you know, I’m not above letting the truth get in the way of a good story as Greg is famous for saying. On that note, our first (Greg’s) official African Safari sighting was a plain, ordinary, everyday lizard. Luckily it gets better quickly. For future reference, the story will start with my first official spotting of the hippos in the water since this is much cooler! We’ve seen tons of hippos and I’ve come to love them!

Peter asks what we want to see and Greg leads with the rare Black Rhino. Peter expects something like this but refers to the idea as ‘no pressure’. A few minutes later I bring up the honey badger and Peter almost wrecks. Now he says’ he is feeling the pressure’. After driving for a couple hours in which we see Elephants, Crocodiles, huge numbers of Impala, and Giraffes, Peter makes a comment about ‘much less pressure’ and then we realize that there is a mama Black Rhino and her baby under the tree up ahead. Completely awesome!

Soon, five or six other vehicles show up but the rhinos are lounging in the shade so we move off in the distance and have our first ‘bush lunch.’ This is great—picnic lunch in the Serengeti, two days ago we were at work. When we finish, all the other vehicles have left so Peter gets us much, much closer to the rhinos. This is the first indication that Peter is very, very good at his job! The numbers of Black Rhino are tiny. Only 50 of these in the world according to the picture I posted on Facebook (or as Greg regularly corrects me, 50 in Tanzania) and we’ve seen 2.

From there, day 1 comes with more awesome animals: Guinea Fowls, Thomson Gazelle, Zebras, Wildebeests, Vultures, Waterbucks, Baboons, Warthog (from here forward known as Pumba [think Loin King]), Rock Hyrex (kind to elephants but we are calling gerbils, look up a picture), Hartebuck, Mongoose, Brown Eagle and of course, the ordinary Lizard.

Around 5pm, we arrive at camp to check out our “2 person tent” on reserve. Hopefully you’ve seen the pictures on Facebook. This place was awesome. We had an attendant the whole time, named Samwell. He escorted us back and forth so that the animals would not attack us. He prepared our hot showers, woke us up with a cheery voice and brought hot coffee to our tent. They did laundry for us and served us hot delicious meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When we were out touring, they prepared box breakfast and lunch for us. Evenings started with a camp fire so we could watch the sunset and the local animals followed by an all camp dinner (~12-18 people, 3 courses) then off to bed.

The coolest part was being awoken each night with Zebras and Wildebeest looking in the screen window. They ate right outside our tent both nights. Literally, they were three feet away. We woke up at midnight and two am. It was so quiet we could hear them biting and chewing the grass. Now, for those of you who may be wanting to have this experience in the future, I’ll share a word of advice. Pay particular attention to where you step the next morning after the Zebras and Wildebeests come to visit in the night. We awoke the next morning (day 2) at 5:30 for a 6:00am departure to be on Safari by sunrise. Flashlights were helpful and we both agreed that day 1 was quite a start.

Day 2: Cry Me a River
The Hunt for a Migration River Crossing
Friday, September 12, 2014

First, we want to wish Dave Cooke a very happy anniversary. We tried to send you a text but it would not go through. We were thinking of you all day and love you very much! Next, we want to acknowledge that today is Gentle “Spirit” Tew’s 3rd birthday. I updated Facebook with looking awesome in her pearls. Her Grandmother and Aunt Ruru who are so graciously staying at our home to spoil our two beloved babies while we are gone posted a FB video of them eating their birthday steaks. They are lucky babies.

Now Day 2 was a hard day in the bush. You know you can’t have an agenda or a schedule when it comes to the animals. We woke early for a sunrise scouting tour and it was beautiful. We are currently in the dry season which, since we are in the north, is when all the animals migrate south. All the talk around camp is to see a river crossing so that is primary purpose today. So here is what it looks like, you drive around looking for a large group of Wildebeests, Zebras, Elephants, etc who are standing on the edge of the river.

Once momentum comes, they all technically are supposed to cross. Simple, but not easy. Here is the problem. Apparently Wildebeest are not smart – at all. And they run in herds in the hundreds without a leader. So this is what our day looks like: We see more than 500 Wildebeests on a peninsula looking down at the river. Their friends who have already crossed are on the other side of the river cheering them on. More Wildebeests are marching in line behind them bringing the elephants. They just sit there. Finally about 25 Zebras are making their way up the shore of the river towards the peninsula. They too are looking at the river. I personally start cheering the Zebras to show some leadership and help out their Wildebeest friends. Well, one lone Zebra swims across the river. They came back and forth and run down to the edge of the water ALL DAY LONG. It was such a tease. The rest never crossed that day and we have spent the whole day sitting there watching. Spoiler Alert: All that time in the truck gave me plenty of opportunity to elaborate the story of our seeing a real “river crossing” based on that one Zebra’s effort. I have to admit, I was going to count it! But luckily, Nature smiled on us the next day and we have more to share on day 3.

On a different note, I want to share with you some of our new knowledge about going on safari. First, you know how they always say “If you don’t know how deep the water is, don’t cross?” They have not heard this in Tanzania. We are in a Land Cruiser and our driver just plows through rivers all the time. The first time he got out to check the tires and glanced at the river, but only once. And they have another philosophy that the dirt paths are merely suggestions. If cutting straight across the ditch, rocks, and aardvark holes will get you there faster, go for it.

Once we received a call that there was a crossing further down the river at another spot, so us, along with 6 other trucks fly to the other location as fast as possible. The problem was that we spooked the Wildebeest herd on this side of the river and they started to run as we were all racing to the crossing. I’d put money on our driver against any NYC taxi or NASCAR driver. He was awesome and I’m happy to report, no Wildebeests were harmed in our soon to be failed attempt to see a crossing.

Finally, since we are talking about the truck, I have to tell you about “checking the tire pressure”. This is what you say when you have to go to pee. Except for one station and the airport, there are no bathrooms in the bush. The bush is the bathroom. So, Greg and Peter are always going behind the truck to check the tire pressure throughout the day. I think it is a guy thing to mark your territory everywhere you go. Needless to say they are fitting in with all the animals.

Day 3: I Will Survive
Wildebeest River Crossing
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hopefully by now you’ve noticed that my subject lines are song titles or parts of songs that I kinda know the words to. As you can imagine, not only is there limited cell service and wifi, there is also no radio in the truck when you are out on safari. There is only a CB radio that the drivers use to talk with each other. Never to let a radio, talent or not really knowing the correct words to a song stop me, I’ve taken to singing songs that go along with whatever is happening . . . hence the subject lines. Hopefully you’ll recognize them but I’m happy to provide live examples for those who may be unaware of any referenced lyrics.

I also might add that I am singing these songs solo since Greg, who is sitting right beside me and I know can hear me, just closes his eyes and puts his head down when I start. Joe Gray, we are missing you and Kaye on this trip. I’ve been thinking about our awesome duets of Sound of Music songs as we traveled across Switzerland a couple of years ago. We were the definition of joyful noise!!

Day 3 and we are up early to try our luck again with a river crossing and then travel to the next camp. We show up at the river just down from the camp site and sure enough there is a large herd of wildebeest and zebra on the other side. They are moving around and looking at the river so we think there might be a chance although we remember yesterday. Sure enough, they all begin to move down to the peninsula and down the bank toward the river. Yep, you guessed it—then they turned around and went back up the bank. Think Ground Hog Day, the movie, so we set back up and get ready to be patient when about 50 wildebeest from our side of the river decide they like their friends on the other side so they cross the river. We are ecstatic! Greg, our photo-journalist, is lighting up the digital camera and we hope capturing the moment to share with you. (FB photo of the day shows this).

I have to tell you a river crossing is apparently one of the biggest deals you will see during the migration period. We are beyond happy to be one of the lucky few to see one. On top of this, there were no crocodiles around and not one Wildebeest was lost in the crossing. This is gruesome business as we learned later that night at dinner. Apparently wildebeest stampede each other or drown in the river. Of course, they are fighting currents and crocodiles. One of the other camp guests saw two crocs at their crossing and described in detail the long struggle of the adult and baby wildebeest which the crocs eventually won. I was worried about having nightmares after just hearing about it. I’m happy to report that no wildebeest were injured in our river crossing!

Now it is time to search for lions. Peter isn’t worried and sure enough we find some displaying typical lion-like behavior (according to Peter) – this means lying around doing nothing but looking cute. Two lions and one cub. We are happy so we move on toward the next camp. Little did we know that this was a 3-hour race across the open plain. Along the way we did stop for a few sights including the angry hippo if you are on Facebook. Apparently he did not like Greg hanging out of truck snapping pictures.

On our journey across the plain, we notice all the carnage everyone. For example, we see a huge number of vultures having a party only to discover it is over a dead lion. Skeletons (fresh and old) litter the landscape!

We finally arrive at Migration Tented Lodge and, wow wee, is this place nice. 24-hr generator provides charging power to the room and this tent has double vanity and hot water on demand. A bit more like a hotel since dining is private but you find hippos grunting in the background, gerbils (known locally as rock or tree hyrax) running everywhere, and a Cape Buffalo (one of the big 5) grazing in the backyard at midnight. This is starting out great!

Day 4: I can see for mile and miles…
My bush name is Eagle Eye
Sunday, September 14, 2014

We thought we’d start this letter off with some insight we’ve learned from Peter, our guide.

– Animal life is tough. For example, if you are a male cape buffalo, at some point you are no longer needed in the herd so you are kicked-out by the young males and force to join a ‘bachelor group’. We have renamed them the Grumping Old Men group.

If you are an impala, then your goal in life is to acquire a harem. This is a large group of female (10-40) impalas with one male. So while the male is at the top of his game he spends the next three months chasing after females trying to run away from the harem and mating those he can catch which leaves no time to eat. Meanwhile, in the ‘boys club’ (a group of only young male impalas), days are spent eating and training to determine who is going to out maneuver the head of the harem because the head guys has lost his physical conditioning from lack of food. The day comes when a member of the boys club and the head of harem fight, the tired weak former head, is now left by himself to defend his territory alone and hopes a female or two come back. Very sad!

– Two rules of the jungle: (1) Run first, ask why later. Usually the answer is, I saw you running so I ran too. (2) See before being seen. This should be self-explanatory.

– When meeting a wild animal, don’t run – you’ll look like prey! Instead stand as tall as you can and look as big as you can. Unless you are meeting a cape buffalo in which case you want to lay on the ground so they can’t scoop you up with their pointy horns or head butt you!

– If you ever get lost in the bush, eat what baboons eat and you should survive. And all cactus are poisonous, including their red berries and some will blind you if their milk gets in your eyes. We’ll share more words of wisdom later.

Game drive today was in a new area of the North Serengeti with has much more water and more trees, i.e. a denser woodland area. The morning begins with me spotting hyenas, Peter spotting lions, and me spotting a serval. (This is a beautiful small cat that looks like a leopard). At this point Greg mumbles something about pressure since Peter and I seem to be on the top of our game and Greg hasn’t seen anything. Peter starts calling me “Eagle Eye” (my bush name now moving forward) and even states he doesn’t have to worry about missing an animal out of the left side of the truck because I’m looking.

Wait until you see the lion pictures. Peter took us right up to them!

More search leads to another lion spotting and then the last remaining member of the Big 5 – the leopard. He is perched in a tree but seems ready to move and sure enough climbs down and walks right at us. Hoping these pictures turn out great! The rest of the day was spent looking at and for animals. I should mention our awesome lunch. Three course picnic, camping chairs, and a spectacular view with gazelles, zebra, giraffe, and elephants all in sight!

Our tented camp tonight is like a resort. It has double vanity, leather club chairs and a hairdryer. It also has a pool and individual dinner times available. It is really nice and hard to believe we are in bush.

We were reminded today that we are in the jungle and anything goes. To date, three male elephants and two male zebras have exposed themselves to us and everyone else around. We also watched a gazelle mount another as they were walking across the plain with the herd. Back at the lodge after a long day of game driving, just before dinner 11 or 12 elephants strolled across our backyard. (Videos on FB) We can’t wait to see who visits tonight.

Fast forward to the end of the day and Peter and I have spotted all kinds of animals. As is customary in the bush, we often acknowledge the difficulty of the spot and the skill it takes by telling each other “Well Spotted”. Greg unfortunately has spotted an enormous and quite obvious elephant walking in the road ahead of our truck and a plethora of lizards on rocks. We throw him a bone of “Well Spotted” on the last rock. At least he takes excellent pictures.

Speaking of pictures, consider yourself forewarned . . . Greg is out of control. He has moved away from trying to capture the moment with one perfect picture to just holding down the button throughout the entire episode. It takes 2 pictures to capture a leopard taking one step. One day he came back to the tent with 1682 pictures. If you ask to see pictures, you should either plan to visit for a couple of hours or be very specific about what you’d like to see like “Your top 10 pictures from the trip” or your “best shot of the black rhino” etc. 🙂

Day 5: You’re going to hear me ROAR
Big Cat Diaries
Monday, September 15, 2014

We are up early as we are leaving the luxury accommodations (Migration Tented Lodge) in the Grumati Valley for a tented camp (Seronera Sametu Camp) in the Central Serengeti. This will be a long drive but before we leave the Valley, Peter has a special treat planned. Here is a good place to mention our interactions with Peter…I think he likes keeping us in suspense. He never tells us much about his plans for the day and we don’t quiz him like other people do their driver/guides. We have come to really trust Peter’s instincts and plans so basically each day is a big surprise.

After a bit of a drive, we stop to ‘check the tire pressure’ and Greg says “isn’t this the place we saw the Leopard,” like he knows where he is. The Tew map instinct has been a little confused on this new continent but he is starting to figure things out. Peter says no but over in that direction is the place and I am hoping he is back in the tree. After a short drive, we see the tree and sure enough the huge Leopard is there finishing breakfast (looks like a Reedback, another medium sized antelope).

Greg starts shooting pictures and after a bit the cat decides to get down and walk around…I swear it seems like it is showing off for us. We are the only ones in site, no one else around and this is great. So often cats just lay around and sleep—Peter refers to this as typical cat-like behavior. Sleep 22 hrs, hunt/eat 2 hrs per day. Sleeping involves looking up, rolling over, stretching, then back to sleep (there will be pictures of this behavior later). According to Peter, this Leopard’s behavior is a special treat and we feel blessed. Anything else the day offers will be bonus. On the way out, I spot another Leopard but he is shy and runs away quickly so we don’t see much of him.

We head for the Central Serengeti which, we believe, will offer lots of cat sighting possibilities. We believe this by collecting clues from Peter—he never comes right out and says this but drops lots of hints. The drive is long and bumpy. They call the bumpy roads an “African Massage” free of charge included with the safari package. I’m being massaged about 12 hours a day but the area is beautiful so it is fine.
Lots of animal sightings along the way including some very smelly Hippos, Greg gets an amazing shot of an African Fish Eagle in flight.

Lunch is at the picnic/Hippo pool area. We get a lesson about one of the Small 5, the Lion Ant. Peter’s range of knowledge is great and Greg loves all this talk. Just like the Big 7 and the Ugly 5, there is also the Small 5 (we may have to consider a Small 7, but based on measly response from my plea of a Big 7, this may need to wait until we get some momentum). The Small 5 include: Lion Ant, Buffalo Weaver (bird), Rhino Beetle, Leopard Tortoise and Elephant Shrew (mouse with a trunk).

On the way into the camp, we spot another Leopard on a set of Kopji’s (Swahili for head since this big rocks look like heads) displaying cat-like behavior. Three Leopards in one day. We met a couple at the end of their safari still looking for a Leopard, so we feeling quite lucky. Moments later, we see what appears to be a very hungry Lion. We track her for a while as she prepares to ambush a Zebra…after about 30 minutes she pounces but comes up empty. She quickly returns to the river valley and a small Zebra wonders into the same creek. We think for sure this will be dinner but she misses again. I personally think this is God doing for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves. I wanted to see a hunt but did not want to see a kill. I wish I had a chicken or something to give to the hungry Lion but I’m glad she missed on tonight’s dinner. I’ll sleep better for sure, but I do wish I had a raw chicken or something to give the Lion.

With no other animals in sight we leave for camp, a delicious dinner with the other safari teams and then bed.

Day 6: Up Up and Away in my Beautiful Balloon
Bucket list item checked, and still alive to tell about it!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today was a big day! I’ve always wanted to take a hot air balloon ride but have been too scared to actually do it. They aren’t safe and I’m scared of heights – not a good combination. But every Fall they launch in my area to watch the trees change colors and as they pass over my house, I think, “one day”. Well, no more! Greg saw fit to change all of this and we are both taking our first ride at sunrise over the Serengeti.

Now, I know this isn’t a good idea. First, he wouldn’t let me read the disclaimer you have to sign before taking this ‘high risk activity’. He told me don’t read it, just sign it. And I did. I appreciate the advice many of you gave me, including the best from my father-in-law, James, who said, sit at the bottom of the basket, tuck in the crash position, don’t stand up, don’t look out and whatever you do, don’t lean over the side! Now, my father is probably not at all surprised that I didn’t listen. I stood up, looked out, videotaped several scenes and even leaned – just a little. Then, I almost died in the crash landing!! I’m not being dramatic, it is true.

The flight was delayed because it was too windy. It has be less than 12 mph winds before they let you go. We waited about 15 minutes, the winds died and we race off. Normally a flight is 45-75 minutes depending on wind speed. Our flight was 42 minutes. The pilot said when we landed we were traveling 17 knots. He was so happy – it was one of his fastest landings ever. Ugh. You have to sit down and hold on the basket while you land. The pilot was excellent at telling us what to expect, telling us to keep our heads down, expect another bump, expect the drag, this is all normal he is saying. I’m not sure what is going on but apparently my crash position and scared to death look have Greg worried. He keeps telling me I’m fine and I just remember thinking this is what it feels like when your plane crashes and I keep saying (I’m not sure why) no, no, no, no, no. Then we stop, our pilot tells us to stay calm and keep in place to make sure the wind doesn’t pick up the deflated balloon and our basket for another drag. There is a tremendous cloud of dust (we are travelling in the dry season) and we are covered, I mean really covered from head to toe, in red dirt dust.

After we get out, and realize we are alive, we did make, I think, that was awesome!!!! I’m so glad we did that!!! This is why I love Greg. He continually pushes me out of my comfort zone, has me experience breath taking adventures and I’m still alive to talk about it. You can see a picture of another balloon landing and a few of our pictures on FB. My only recommendation is that if you have neck or back problems, you should skip this activity. I was sore for about a day but am recovering now.

Also, before I end I need to give Greg another kudo. Believe it or not, he was the lone person in a balloon of 17 people to spot the lion laying on the field by the river. He may be getting his mojo! All the other passengers in the after balloons can thank him as well because our pilot called them and they actually went over to get a closer look.

As if a hot air balloon ride and English breakfast out on the Serengeti isn’t enough to make this the best day ever. We also spot the thus far elusive Cheetah. She is sleek and beautiful and apparently hungry. We are lucky enough to take awesome pictures (warning to you again regarding Greg’s picture taking enthusiasm) of her scanning the horizon.

She starts walking and comes right up to our truck. She was so close that the picture we posted on Facebook is from my iPhone. Then we got to see a beautiful thing . . . her mosey on out to the herd of Thomson Gazelles (also known as Tommies or Cheetah food) and start walking around looking for a weakling. The Tommies are nervous and running in every direction. She keeps calm and keeps walking. Sure enough, she spots her prey. A baby Tommie laying in the field clueless as to what is going on. The Cheetah, need I remind you, the fastest creature on earth, takes off running with the herd. In no time she passes several adults Tommies at full-speed almost as if they were standing still. She sweeps the baby up and kills it instantly. She then walks back to a shaded area to enjoy dinner.

Later that afternoon, we get to see a pride of about 14 lions who also just enjoyed a kill of one of their favorite meals, our guess is Wildebeest based on the leftover hoofed leg. Thankfully we did not see the kill or the eating of the kill. We came across 14 fat and happy kitties laying under a tree. It was hilarious to see. Their stomachs were so big – they looked like beached whales next to the river. They were sleeping on their backs, stretching, fully content and displaying serious cat-like behavior. Peter says this is what overindulgence looks like. It was great!

By now you know we love Peter. He is such an awesome guide. Here is an example. As we are watching another set of three lions and three cubs who are part of the same pride as the 14 lions above, Peter is scanning the horizon with his binoculars. He then says, “Hmm, I might see something out there under that tree”. So we wrap up and head towards the horizon and the tree. On the way Peter says he thought he saw something that might have been a foot. No kidding, we get to the tree and there are the 2 male lions in charge of this pride right under the tree, fat and happy haven also just eaten some of the Wildebeest dinner, and one is sleeping on his back with his foot in the air. Now we also have great pictures of male lions with full grown manes.
This by far is my favorite day of the safari. We leave to head back to camp, watch the sunset, eat dinner and then to bed for another adventure tomorrow.

Day 7: In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle, the Lion Sleeps Tonight
Love is in the air
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

This morning starts with the most awesome sunrise yet. Greg loves sunrises and sunsets so getting up early everyday has offered many opportunities. Sametu camp has a great location for sunrises so I find Greg outside in the chair with his camera prompt on a table to take still pictures in the limited light. Wait til you see these pictures, they are very good.

This is another travel day so we start rather early with breakfast at camp then an off-road route to look for Lions. We see our first group of Hyneas with cubs—we quickly remember that all pups are cute and this appears to also hold for one of the Ugly 5. One male and one female Lion are spotted (of course by Peter) so we go over to have a look. These are referred to as ‘honeymooners’ because when a female Lion is in heat the oldest/strongest male goes off from the pride to mate for several days. We don’t see any action as it appears they are tried and near the end of their time together. It is fascinating to watch this lion behavior.

Just off in the distance is another male lion; this pride seems to have three male leaders. This male is basically watch guard in case anyone shows up to cause trouble for the honeymooners. He is within sight of the honeymooners but at a good distance for privacy (if they care, which I don’t believe they do). Just around the corner is the third male with several females and cubs. The day is off to a fast start with 12 lions sighted before 7am.

Driving along leads us to another Cheetah on the hunt for food. She seems to be on a plain mostly by herself and a few Zebra (not Cheetah food). They are watching her to be sure she remembers she doesn’t eat Zebras and sure enough, she shows no interest in them. We watch her for a while; then check on the full, happy cats from yesterday, then return to the Cheetah. Her food is far away in the distance and since we have a long drive to the Crater left, we decide to move on. Along the way to the Crater, we encounter 3 more Cheetahs bringing the total to 6. After we spot the fourth one, Peter says something about ‘promises keep.’ It turns out that along the way he said he hoped to see 3 or 4 Cheetahs, again other groups had seen none and several guides asked Peter if he had seen any up North since they were leaving the central without seeing any Cheetahs. Peter is so funny! Within minutes we find the other two Cheetahs (5 and 6, likely mother and her cub) and before Peter points out the cats, he says ‘bonus time’ then shows us the two Cheetahs on the kopjis under a tree.

Lunch on the top of a kopjis where the Serengeti National Park ends and the Ngorongoro Conservation begins. The difference between the two is that no human live in the national park but Maasai (the local, indigenous people) live within the conservative area. This is a long, bumpy, and dusty trip to the Crater. After all the paperwork, we descend to the Crater floor in hopes of finding Flamingos for Greg’s Aunt Ruth and more Black Rhino for Greg. The Crater is the most likely place to see the Black Rhino since there are 23 in this confined region. We are in the crater for 10 minutes when Peter does it again. ‘Do you see that black spot in the distance.’ We both look and think, well maybe. Peter heads that way and sure enough, two more Black Rhino in the distance bringing our total to four. One big difference between the Crater and the North Serengeti is that we must stay on the roads here so we can’t get a close-up look at the rhino. We are all happy to have the pressure removed since sighting Black Rhino’s was the major objective for tomorrow morning. With this sighting down, we are free to see what the Crater offers tomorrow morning.

The camp (Lion’s Paw tented camp) is the only camp located inside the crater but it is on the rim at the other side from where we entered so we make our way across the floor of the Crater and up the other side. We are glad to be at our home for the night since this was a long but exciting day. It was cold on the rim (high elevation) and this is the first time we have a heater in our tent. We are looking forward to tomorrow’s adventure.

Day 8: Wanted Dead or Alive
Hyenas are terrible predators!
Thursday, September 18, 2014

The goal for the Crater is to be the first group onto the floor for sunrise and black rhino sightings. We make it down in time but the sunrise is only average; however, the lion cub sightings are spectacular. First we encounter a group of two lions and three small cubs. The cubs are quite rambunctious—running, playing in the mud, ‘attacking’ each other and their mother. This is awesome! After a time we move on and Peter stops the vehicle and asks ‘do you see this’ looking over the side at the dirt. The man is tracking lion footprints in the dirt road while driving. Really! Greg asks how old the footprints are and Peter guesses not more than 2 hrs. It turns out the answer is about 20 minutes since just up the road are two more lions and three more cubs. These cubs are a bit older but just as playful. This is great fun and the cats here are more accustomed to cars so they walk right up to the car. First the cub comes to investigate, then momma comes over to make sure everything is okay. She decides to taste the spare tire of the vehicle in front of us, amazing! That spare tire cover now has several holes.

After many great pictures and lots of heart-warming fun, we go to see something that Peter thinks everyone should see—that is a kill. There is a pack of Hyena tracking a Wildebeest. When we get there, they have him down in a creek and are finishing the job—this is very unpleasant. Greg points out flamingos in the lake on the other side. Of course this is life in the jungle and in reality the wildebeest and others serve as food for the predators but it is still unpleasant to witness firsthand. I try to sing Circle of Life but it just isn’t helping. The problem with Hyena is they don’t know how to kill their prey. They disable it enough to stop and then start eating. The wildebeest was crying out for help until eventually he died. I was looking at flamingos but I could still hear. Needless to say, I start crying. We have to leave and the mood is quite dark for the next hour. Hyenas are #1 on the Ugly 5 list and this is now my least favorite day on the safari.

Luckily we move on and see many adorable zebra, elephants, and hippos at the morning watering hole. More game drive and then a trip to the top of the hill inside the crater. The crater was formed many years ago when the volcano collapsed and this hill is the former top of the volcano. The sight of the whole crater and all the animals is magnificent. Peter says it looks like there will be no black rhino this morning but we don’t mind since we saw the two yesterday. Anyone who sees 4 black rhino on one safari should be very happy. On the way out, we stumble into two more black rhino—for us, they appear to come in pairs. Again they are in the distance a bit, but Greg is about tickled pink—6 black rhino sightings!

We leave the crater for the trip to Lake Manyara and Tarangire. This makes for a very long day. There are apparently ‘tree climbing lions in Manyara National Park’ but we don’t see them. We do see the blue monkey which is a new animal sighting and Greg gets a nice picture of flamingos for Ruth. Lots of other animals but the trip here is quick since we still have to get thru Tarangire to the lodge. On the way to the lodge, we see an elephant with its head inside this BoaBoa tree. These are huge trees which very high water contain in their wood so elephants, who eat all kinds of things, like to eat this tree during the dry season. Peter says this is the first time he has ever since the elephant while eating the tree. After a couple of minutes, a small baby elephant wonders over and the big adult scoops out the kindling for the adolescent to eat. Elephants are well known to provide outstanding care for their siblings and this is a demonstration for us!

We are glad to arrive at Kikoti Tented Lodge after a long day of animal sightings and driving. This lodge has a ton of wood accents including a spectacular bar with animals carved into the woodwork. A quick dinner and off to bed before another early day tomorrow.

Day 9: On the Road Again
Like a Rock
Friday, September 19, 2014

Today we wake-up call at 5:30 and have breakfast boxes to go so that we can get into the park early. As we start the drive along the swamp, we encounter countless elephants, I mean countless. They look like a herd of wildebeests in the distance but, no, they are elephants. Peter refers to this park at this time of year as ‘elephant city’ and now we know why.Moments later Peter spots a leopard lying on a termite mound.

Over the last couple of days, we have been basically traveling with another Africa Dream Safari group (four Canadians from Calgary) so Peter calls them on the radio and we wait for them to show up. Since we are out early and no one is around we do off-road to get a close look at the cat. The pictures are truly amazing! Like our previous leopard experience, this cat decides to get up and move around. We now appreciate how big that first male leopard was. Compared to this cat, the first one was huge. This cat is not shy and slowing walks toward the other SUV. Greg has a great picture of this. Then the cat does something that amazes even Peter, it walk right up to our vehicle and, instead of going around it, goes right under it. Apparently the Canadians have some awesome pictures that we hope to get when we return to the States. As it comes out the other side of the vehicle Peter is stunned but the cat has more to offer. She looks and seriously considers jumping on the vehicle. For my sake, thankfully, she decides not to do it. I probably would have tried to pet her – she was so beautiful. Of course both Greg and Peter are disappointed! She continues her meandering so we go off to have breakfast.

She appears to continue her straight line down the side of the swamp toward the breakfast location so when we finish we go back to look at her. She is sitting in the shade under a bush but when we get there, she decides to get up. By now, we think this is just for us. It is about two hours later and now 14 other vehicles are here so getting up early paid off. This cat is full of tricks. She decides it is time to climb a tree. As she moves from the bush, Peter says she is going to climb the tree and sure enough she does. This is a rather big tree so you can imagine she has several options but she decides to climb the side of the tree facing the road so we get to see the full experience! Our interactions with those two leopards has been a real treat and a true highlight! Later Peter mentions how rare it is to see a leopard climb a tree since most of the time they are originally spotted in a tree and might climb down if you are lucky.

Shortly down the road we see a young male lion trying to impersonate a leopard. It is lying in a tree scanning around for food. Nothing is in sight and it seems to be displaying typical cat-like behavior so we move on…this is crazy, who would think that lions are now slightly boring! We plan to have lunch back at the lodge and rest a bit (hence you got some updates via email).

Since my husband is one of those people that always wants more, he would like to see all three big cats in one day. Having seen the leopard and lion by 9am, there is hope that a cheetah will full-fill this request so we spend the rest of the day looking for cheetahs, African wild dogs, and two rare antelope. We don’t see any of these but we do see a tremendous number of elephants (and zebra, tommies, impalas, wilderbeest, cape buffalo, baboons, birds) and exceptional landscape. We also saw several baboons climbing up a huge kopji for the night. It was awesome. They were very fast. At one point a young baboon is on the ground screaming and her mother comes down to let her jump on her back and get carried up. While is she carrying one child on her back, she is encouraging and nudging with her head another little baboon who is halfway and has stopped. Noodle, we’ve decided that if you could carry Greg or I on your back, we’ll go rock climbing with you!

We then head home to have a lovely dinner at the lodge. For dessert, the whole staff joins in a song wishing us a farewell and safe travels since this is our last night on safari. This is lovely!

Off to bed for the last night sleeping in the jungle. It was been tremendous.

Day 10: Circle of Life
Back to Reality
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Today is a bitter sweet day. We are excited to wake up and see what the day has in store for us in the bush but also sad that this turns out to be our last day on safari. Unfortunately, response to my plea for support of the Big 7 did not produce any funds so Greg and I have to end our magical adventure. The only good news is that I hear several of you are saving money for your own safari – Greg and I are willing to go with you when you get this arranged. I also hope that the silence is more a reflection that you too are passionate about the Big 7 and you are talking about it every chance you get! I’m sure our grassroots effort will be viral by the time I return.

Peter lets us sleep in this morning and we have a 6:30 wake up call, breakfast and on the road by 8:00. We drive around in the tall grass looking for Cheetahs, two rare Antelopes, and the almost extinct African Wild Dogs. We don’t find any of them but are entertained by Dik Dik (small Antelopes), Elephants, with two more indecent exposures from the males, and Giraffes. We also saw a few Lions laying under trees but they were inactive and far away. After lunch, we leave for our 2.5 hour drive back to the hotel.

Peter drops us off at the hotel and we say our good-byes. Greg is going to miss Peter, I can tell. We are met by our Africa Dream Safari hostess, Faith, to make plans for dinner, getting to the airport, etc. We take showers, I take a 30 minute power nap, and then start to unpack the safari bags and get out the business suitcase. We have a delicious buffet dinner outside on the patio overlooking a golf course while listening to Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton and John Denver music and then go to bed. Our wake-up call tomorrow morning is 2:45am so we can get picked up at 3:30am for our hour drive to the airport and catch our 6:00 am flight to Johannesburg, South Africa.

This letter’s theme song is from the Lion King, The Circle of Life, and I’ve sang this song multiple times, daily! It started when I had to ask Greg to kill the jumping spider in our tent the first night — it turned out to be a poor cricket. Singing continued every time I saw a carcass or predator on the hunt, lion cubs or male animals looking for love. And it ends now with our own journey – our vacation ending and heading back to reality and work – it is the Circle of Life. Again, I want you to know that you have all been with us on this journey. I thank God for giving me all that I have, I thank IBM and UMass for providing us the means to do what we do, and I thank my family and friends who show me by their example how to love unconditionally, walk with humility, be of service to those around you and live life to the fullest.

Dawn “Eagle Eye” and Greg T.
South Deerfield, Massachusetts
Safari Dates: September 10, 2014 to September 20, 2014

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Our Days Were Magical!

What an amazing safari! It far exceeded the expectations of the eight of us who traveled together to Tanzania. Our guides, Anglebert and Elson, have eagle eyes and a sixth sense. They can spot animals and anticipate their actions well before we could tell there was wildlife nearby. From the first day when we saw the wildebeest crossing the Mara River to the end of the safari when we saw the rare caracal, our days were magical and our nights enjoyable. Thanks to Dawn and ADS for expert planning and Anglebert and Elson for being such caring and talented guides.

Jim and Ellen G.
Gainesville, Florida
Safari Dates: August 15, 2014 to August 24, 2014

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Jurassic Park With The Big 5…Doesn’t Get Any Better Than That!

Asante sana to ADS and especially Dawn for tailoring our safari July 7 to July 19. Dawn set us up at camps and tented lodges rather than the larger lodges because of our history of backpacking and bareboat chartering. We were very pleased and highly recommend our accommodations at Serengeti Bushtops Camp, Migration Tented Lodge, Seronera Sametu Camp, and Lions Paw Camp at Ngorongoro Crater. They all truly exceeded our expectations.

The crater was magical…early morning drive with clouds pouring over the rim…a Jurassic Park with the “big 5”…doesn’t get any better than that! Our last stop was at the Ngorongoro Manor Lodge, a stunning setting on a coffee plantation. We would suggest staying there extra nights if time allows. The staff at each location was very attentive and personable and our guide Petro Meena was not only knowledgeable but just a blast in making it all happen. He even loaned his Nikon to one of our party after a malfunction on the first game drive.

To start we spent a few extra days in Amsterdam to acclimate to the time change which we all found very helpful. Then after a night in Arusha at the Mount Meru Resort we were off to the Mara River Airstrip where we joined our guide Petro. Within 15 minutes we were surrounded by giraffe, elephant, hippo, gazelle, and witnessed two Mara River crossings by zebra and wildebeest…100+ pic’s in the first hour and over 2000 during the next 10 days plus multiple videos and GoPro shots using a 3’ extender from ground level while on drive.

I used the little pocket Canon Power Shot and the Wi-Fi ready Canon 70D with the 100-400mm white lens which gave me the option to back up RAW photos to my email account daily…very convenient. After all of the hype about big cameras and cumbersome zoom lenses do not forget to use your iPhone for panorama shots. Some of my best were with the phone.

We are already thinking about our next ADS trip at a different time of year to see the calving in the green season and experience other locations on the beautiful Serengeti.

Matakwa bora and asante sana to ADS, Dawn and Petro. You are the greatest!

A.L. and Terri B., Daron and Debra S., Judie and Doug M.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Safari Dates: July 7, 2014 to July 19, 2014

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Africa Dreams Luxury Safari September 2014

With three other couples, we traveled to Africa to see the Serengeti and see what Africa had to offer. With Africa Dreams Safari (ADS), we found the best tour company Africa had to offer! This was our first trip to Africa and our personal trip began a little earlier than the other couples because we went to see the Mountain Gorillas near Kigali, Rwanda. I mention this because the recommendation that ADS provided as to how we would meet up with the other couples in the middle of the Serengeti was outstanding and showed the depth of knowledge ADS has about Africa. The Coastal Air connections ADS suggested went exactly as planned–it was definitely a unique experience with the pilot meeting us outside security, walking us through security and immigration to the plane, and then helping us stash our baggage before “she” flew us on to our destination!

Our ADS adventure began at Kogatende (Mara River), a small dirt airstrip where we were met by our ADS guides, Anglebert and Elson. It did not take long for us to realize what superb guides they were! Our adventure began, after a picnic lunch and a patient wait, with literally thousands of Wildebeests plunging into the river for the Great Migration! To actually see the crossing from just a few meters away and to hear the sounds of these magnificent animals as they swam for their lives was phenomenal.

We divided our group between two vehicles. We rearranged ourselves each day so we traveled with each member of our group and all had the advantage of both guides. One of the days, we split with the women in one vehicle and men in the other! The guides drew straws to see who got who! Our guides were knowledgeable and made every day fun and educational.

Anglebert and Elson taught us how to look for animals hidden in the bush. And they found so many we might have overlooked! They taught us to wait patiently, quietly, so that we could observe behaviors that we never expected to see. You don’t really know how much the guides tell you is to make you happy and how much is fact, but they seemed to enjoy our group. I believe we were very low maintenance and simply followed their suggestions they said benefited not only us but them–even when they advised us that we should get up very early in the morning to begin our day’s trek—it really makes sense because of the animals sleeping to avoid the mid-day heat.

We saw Elephants grazing and knocking down the Acacia trees, honeymooning Lions, several Hippo pools, the elusive Dik-Dik and Klipspringer, Zebras, Hyenas, Warthogs, Thomson and Grant’s Gazelles, Giraffes, Leopards and Cheetahs with their kills, Waterbucks, Elands, Topis, a Rhino with her baby, and so much more! And the birds—what can you say! Everything went amazingly to plan and we got to experience everything we were supposed to and more. The guides said that we were very fortunate to see the Rhino and her baby and a Caracal cat as these are a rarity. To say we saw so much more than we ever expected is no exaggeration and we quickly ran out of superlatives to describe our adventures.

Additionally, our accommodations, ranging from exclusive and luxurious at Serengeti Bushtops Camp and Ngorongoro Manor Lodge to more rustic at Seronera Sametu and Ngorongoro Lions’s Paw Tented Camp were wonderful and had excellent staff! At each, we were met by management with small towels to wipe off the grime of the day, quickly followed by a small pick-me-up to stave off our thirst until we could get to the bar which had a nice variety of beverages. Tent camping with real beds, hot showers (including the ones where hot water was delivered to a gravity shower), absolutely excellent! This coupled with the opportunity to watch a sunrise or a sunset followed by a display of stars unaffected by city lights is an experience not to be missed.

The recommended side trip off the Serengeti to Buffalo Springs Luxury Camp allowed a several hour Night Game drive so we could experience dusk becoming night and view the animals that came out at night–a lioness on a hunt, a Crested Porcupine, and although we had seen leopards earlier in the trip, we got to watch one tearing into its recently killed prey while poised in the top of a tree. The next day featured a visit to a Masai village and was extremely interesting in terms of the insight provided into the life and culture of this African group.

The only mildly negative thing we could say concerned the Buffalo Springs facility which really didn’t quite match up to the rest of them in two respects. I fully understand why (the night ride) we wanted to be out of the park and that ride was excellent. The initial problem was solely one of our perceptions of what management should be like. It had nothing to do with the facility or the non-management staff. The person we later found was the manager seemed totally disengaged and seemed to care less whether we were there or no. We initially thought he was a boyfriend or another visitor but later found out that he was the manager. The rest of the staff was great. The night we arrived it was quite windy and unfortunately because of the location of the tents on the mountainside, the tents were quite noisy which could not be helped, but bothered some couples. Apparently there was also an issue with regard to getting water for the night ride but we were not part of that so cannot speak to it.

All in all it was an absolutely fantastic trip. I do not know how we could have improved what we did and saw and we greatly appreciate the knowledge and experience provided by ADS that allowed this adventure to happen. Kudos to ADS—we recommend them highly.

Jerry and Katherine W.
West Monroe, Louisiana
Safari Dates: August 15, 2014 to August 24, 2014

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I’ve Never Been So Impressed With A Company Before.

Our safari couldn’t get any better than this! That’s what we declared at the end of each day only to be delightedly proven wrong. For 12 days, our schedule was filled, either viewing or participating in one amazing adventure after another. We welcomed our beds each night to wake up before dawn with anticipation of what a new day would bring. And, we were never disappointed.

Like many before us that have embarked on a journey to Tanzania, ours started nearly a year-and-a-half ago by sorting through the information provided online from the many safari companies. We were quickly able to cull the list to a select few that seemed to offer what we were looking for in terms of service and lodgings. After communicating through emails and phone conversations with all of these remaining companies on our list, it was clear that African Dream Safaris was the right fit for our needs. It was the responsiveness of Dawn Anderson that sealed the deal, who was nothing less than spectacular with her knowledgeable guidance and timeliness in thoroughly answering all questions, no matter how mundane the subject.

Our first stop was in the Northern Serengeti. After landing, our two families (four adults and three children ages 10, 11, and 13) met our guides Ellson and Russell. Within a few feet from the Kogatende Airstrip, we began our journey, one of seemingly nonstop viewing of animals. Before stopping for our first box lunch, we had already seen impala,Thompson’s gazelle, zebra, hyena, warthog, nile crocodile, hippo, vultures attending to a wildebeest carcass and an abbreviated wildebeest crossing of the Mara River. By the end of the day, we were able to mark down 26 animal species along with a number of different birds. We also gained incredible respect for Ellson and Russell and their depth of knowledge of everything Serengeti.

While in the central Serengeti, we took a balloon excursion recommended by Dawn Anderson. We awoke at 4:15 in the morning with the hopes that the ride would be worth the early rising. And it was. We felt privileged to be able to enjoy a vantage point that most don’t get the chance to see. It was amazing to see the tops of the acacia where vultures were nesting, hippos actually running, the balloon basket scattering a herd of Thompson’s gazelles and Cape buffalo close and personal. We touched down near Moru Kopjes where we enjoyed a champagne toast and an English breakfast under the canopy of a towering acacia tree.

I could not write this without mentioning our visit with the Hadza tribe. We woke up early to hunt down the Hadzabe, a nomadic hunter-gatherer tribe we understood was living in the Lake Eyasi region, where it is estimated that just 1000-1500 exist. On this morning we visited a group numbering 20-25, bringing them food saved from our collective lunch boxes, nuts and candies. We didn’t know what to expect, but had hoped to see how they hunt and understand their way of living, and maybe find some mutual commonality. Boy, did we get that and more!…It sure wasn’t Disney.

I have to admit I was a little intimated and initially didn’t know whether we were welcome there or not. We learned their greeting and shook their hand. The size and strength of their hands left me hoping even more that they were a friendly bunch. Not to be worried. After a little time around the fire making some arrows, the younger warriors got up and went out to hunt food. They walked fast and we ambled as gracefully as a bunch of city people do amongst the brambles and acacia bushes set out to grab hair and any clothing items that come near enough for them to ensnare.

They found their kill, then proceeded to begin the process of making fire. It was then that their mood lightened as they sat there and cooked their parrots and squirrels over the fire. They offered out to our group with a couple of the more adventurous eaters who sampled. They have made a conscious choice to stay true to customs of their tribe for reasons that only they can understand. It is a hard life that they live and I can’t fathom how they are able to endure the day-to-day, however, for now they continue to do so.

There are so many highlights and I can’t really go into too much detail with ever having the hopes of finishing this letter, so I will simply list some of them here below:

– A lioness moving her 4-5 day old cubs from one hiding spot to another and having to cross the road immediately in front of our truck.

– ‘Cat day’, where we saw a leopard walking across the plains to cross the road directly in front of our car and comfortably sit down on the road next to us, a cheetah kill a Thompson’s gazelle, two serval and plenty of lions.

– Watching a lion and lioness pair prepare to attack an injured wildebeest. Seeing the amusing human-like dynamics play out between the lion and the lioness as he realizes that the lioness is not doing her job of hunting and he is left to unsuccessfully make the attempt.

– Traveling across the open plains then stopping to watch a large herd of elephants and the enjoying baby elephants playing like children.

– After a long journey to Ngorongoro crater, spotting a rhinoceros. Then, waking up early to be the first in the park (staying a Lion’s Paw is the best way to arrive early) and finding another rhinoceros, then watching and appreciating the expertise of Ellson to anticipate the movements of this allusive creature in order to gain the best view.

– Waking up in the morning to the sound of lions calling right outside the tent.

– Russell spotting an impala on the ground in the brush giving birth. A concerned giraffe comes over to help, scaring the impala away and causing her to run away mid-birth.

– That ‘aha’ moment when we understood the carrion animals and their much appreciated job as janitors of the Serengeti while watching a massive group of vultures feeding on a zebra that perished on the side of the road. I remember the immense patience of Russell while he patiently explained the hierarchy of the vultures and their specialized functions so that I can record it in my journal.

I couldn’t imagine a better trip (other than being able to witness a larger wildebeest river crossing) and the time spent in Tanzania will always be remembered as one of the best adventure vacations ever. There is a saying in Tanzania, which is “You come here for the animals, but you come back for the people.” This is the truest of true statements about Tanzania and also of ADS.

Our many thanks to Dawn Anderson who helped us get there; Michael, Kikoti and the other ground team in Arusha; to the men who could write the book on professionalism Russell and Ellson, our drivers and friends for a lifetime; and to Jonas at Seronera Sametu Camp and Edward at Lion’s Paw Camp, who kept us in hot water and fed us some of the most appropriate and delicious meals.

I’ve never been so impressed with a company that are intertwined so prevalently with our travel memories. It is also our first experience where the company continues to stay in contact with us after our return. Asante Sana ADS for a trip of a lifetime!

Peter, Allison and Zachary V.
Boca Raton, Florida
Safari Dates: July 29 – August 9, 2014

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We Were Fortunate Enough To See Four Crossings – The First Being A Herd Of Elephants!

We had no idea what “A Trip of a Lifetime” could mean until we went on our African Dream Safari! From the first moments we landed in Tanzania and met Faith and Tman, we knew that ADS was first class. Faith and Tman made us feel right at home, and provided us with so much information and direction that we never felt a moment of concern. When we mentioned that we hoped to see the local coffee plantation on our extra day in Arusha, Tman took the lead and arranged the tour and drove us around the city and to the plantation, letting us drink in the sights at a leisurely pace.

(To see my website I created for this trip, click here: )

In Farther North, we met Malaki, who would be our guide and our leader for the next 8 days as well as our great friend for life. Within minutes of departing the airstrip, we pulled up to a riverbank and were immediately viewing a tower of giraffes, a pod of hippos, and a herd of zebras (yes, Malaki was a great font of knowledge, giving us these and many other terms throughout our trip).

We were fortunate enough to see not one but FOUR crossings – the first being a herd of elephants! Even Malaki had not seen an elephant crossing, so we were all in awe of this event. The part of a safari that you just can’t explain to your friends is the emotional impact it has on you. After the sheer beauty of the animals and landscapes and the warm yet humble welcome at the Maasai village, you feel as though you are a different person.

The camps that our ADS Consultant Dawn chose for us were perfect! The staff was so warm and welcoming, providing us with our every wish during our stay. They truly are ambassadors, not only for Tanzania, but for ADS as well.

We are so glad that we chose to trust African Dream Safaris with our trip. The personal touch and genuine care we received from the first email to Dawn to these post-safari contacts have been truly wonderful.

Jim & Stuart F.
Miami, Florida
Safari Dates: September 1, 2014 to September 8, 2014

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We Would Highly Recommend ADS For An Unforgettable Experience.

An African Safari had been on my bucket list for some time. When I decided to seriously look in to a trip, the internet was the first place to search, since I did not personally know anyone who had been to Tanzania or the Serengeti. After pondering a dozen or so safari companies I narrowed it to three to contact. The most timely and informative response was from Africa Dream Safaris. After the second email and then a phone conversation with Dawn my decision was made to go with Africa Dream Safaris. They offered a private safari, and luxury accommodations, which I knew would make my wife very pleased. The price was not cheap, but was competitive.

Dawn was very helpful in all the planning steps, and there were not any unexpected bad surprises on the trip. Upon arrival in Arusha we were met by ADS representatives who provided all the assistance we needed to get to the Mount Meru Resort and settled in. Since we are of retirement age we made a good decision to stay an extra night to get acclimated to the new time zone before we embarked on the safari. ADS surprised us by providing a private dinner for our 44th wedding anniversary in the gazebo at the resort.

The safari, the guide, the accommodations, and the food were all delivered as promised, and in many cases exceeded our expectations. Our guide, Michael, was very knowledgeable about all the wildlife, their habits and their habitation. The Four Seasons in the Serengeti was simply exquisite in facilities and service. The other camps were marvelously accommodating in facilities and friendly service.

We would very highly recommend Africa Dream Safaris for an unforgettable experience of a lifetime. August 16-24, 2014 will always be remembered as an extraordinary time of our life. If we get an itch yet again for Africa we will certainly embark again with Africa Dream Safaris.

Dick and Diane T.
Palestine, Texas
Safari Dates: August 16, 2014 to August 24, 2014

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By The End Of The Trip Our Wonderful Guide Was Family.

As everyone says, “It was a trip of a lifetime”. We readily echo that sentiment. It was beyond our wildest dreams to see this many animals in this wonderful environment. Our traveling foursome enjoyed each and every moment.

Our wonderful ADS Guide by the name of Malaki made the trip even more special. We chose to include him in everything we did, and by the end of the trip – he was family! He had an amazing knowledge of the animals and an incredible instinct for finding them.

We loved our choice of tents and lodges and found each unique and special. The food, the sundowners and sunrises were exceptional. The hot showers and hot water bottles were a great treat at the end of the day. It is a trip we will always remember, and we made memories that will last forever. We are grateful to the staff at ADS for answering all of our questions ahead of time and making us feel 100% secure about everything at all times. We will not forget!

I really appreciate all you did for us and all of the silly questions we had. We truly felt secure the entire time. Everything and everyone was fabulous. 10’s on a scale of 1 to 10. The staff, the accommodations, the food, the game drives…all perfect!

All my best,

Gerald and Melinda J.
Weatherford, Texas
Safari Dates: September 1, 2014 to September 8, 2014

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ADS Created A Life Changing Trip For Us!

It is incredibly hard to put into words a trip that was planned over the course of a year and a half and encompassed 14 days in Tanzania. We had an idea of where we wanted to go, but simply looked at reviews for the best safari companies. We contacted several, including companies rated the best in the world and no one came close to the personal service Dawn offered our group. No question was too menial. Every response was under 12 hours from when we hit send. The comfort that afforded us was huge.

Two families (4 adults and 3 children ages 10, 11, and 13) were traveling to a continent that 6 of us had never been on before. We expected everything to be perfect. ADS delivered. From the touchdown in Arusha to the takeoff back home no detail was missed.

We expected the animals to be incredible and they were. Unimaginable! So close to so many beautiful animals and birds. Everyday out on safari we added new animals we hadn’t seen yet to our list. Animals were being added to our list that I had never even heard of.

The highlights: We had a leopard walk next to the car. He was too close to capture with my camera. We watched a cheetah stalk, attack, kill and eat and impala. We witnessed a cheetah miss his impala. The impala jumped over an acacia bush and the cheetah slammed full speed into the thorny bush. He limped away, bruised and hungry.

First day into the bush, our incredible guides Russel and Ellison found the right spot to see a Mara river crossing of Wildebeest and zebra. The lions! Multiple sightings, the last of which was of a mating pair. And I can not forget the all too cute bush baby.

We planned our trip for the animals, but the people of Tanzania created a life changing experience for us as a family. From our Tanzanian guides, to the hosts and employees at the camps, to the children we met along the roads and at the school, everyone was happy and kind. It gives you perspective about the important aspects of life.

We saw children, younger than ours, herding cattle along the roads with no food or water. We visited schools set up to improve the potential these children have. Yet, they have no water to drink and minimal food for a whole day of education. It seemed so unfair. Our son took it upon himself to start feeding the children. We would diligently stop when he felt there was a child who appeared hungry and give out granola bars and juice. Our daughter tried to trouble shoot how to get drinkable water to the area.

This is not something you can get from a book. You have to experience it. Despite the tremendous differences between “our world” and theirs, none of these children seemed unhappy. There was never a time we didn’t see smiling faces, waving to us just because we were passing.

I can not fail to mention our morning with the Hadzabe tribe. We were without a doubt in a National Geographic film. We had an opportunity to meet a tribe of fewer than 1000 people total and follow them on a hunt for their daily food. Running through acacia trees and bushes following 6 men and young boys with bows and arrows as they looked for their meal was slightly scary. We had a special guide to help communicate with them. They don’t speak English. They don’t even speak Swahili. It wasn’t scary as in being dangerous. It was just so incredibly real. This wasn’t a tourist attraction. This was their life and we were granted a glimpse into their day. Definitely a highlight of the vacation.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, was our guides. I diligently read the testimonials each week. The guides are always mentioned for their knowledge and respect for the land. Russell and Ellison blew us away. They were talking encyclopedias. If they didn’t know the answer, they found it for us. They felt like family by the end of our 12 days. The patience they showed with the 3 kids was incredible. Each child was so different, yet they had a great grip on how to keep them engaged and hungry to learn more.

There is no question in my mind, they completed our safari. I would absolutely recommend ADS for anyone traveling on safari, but if you are going with children, ADS is the way to go.

Thank you so much to Dawn, Russell, and Ellison.

Melissa, Brad, Della (age 11), and Joah (age10) L.
Boca Raton, Florida
Safari Dates: July 28, 2014 to August 9, 2014

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No More Going To The Zoo For Me!

This was one of our most memorable vacations ever. We would like to thank Dawn first for custom planning this wonderful safari for us. It was great dealing with her because she has basically first-hand experience of all the places that we eventually visited. The entire tour was perfectly organized and every place we stayed was very comfortable and unique with picturesque surroundings, pleasant staff and sumptuous food.

Obviously the highlight of the trip was seeing the animals, and we were not disappointed at all. We pretty much saw all the animals in the first 2 days, and the credit goes to our great guide/driver named Malaki who had this knack of ‘finding’ animals. Malaki was a gem – very pleasant and extremely knowledgeable and as a matter of fact, we started calling him “Professor”!

We could see all the BIG 5 – lion, buffalo, elephant, leopard and rhino! It wasn’t just seeing the animals, we had the opportunity to study their behavior and to see how beautifully they co-exist. It is so much fun seeing them so happy, healthy and playful in their OWN natural surroundings. No more going to the zoo for me!

Furthermore we were fortunate to witness the incredible and magnificent migration – truly a once in a lifetime experience! This is a vacation every one of us should take and I would highly recommend African Dream Safaris without any hesitation! Special thanks to Dawn who made this happen!

Go with ADS and you will be saying – “Hakuna Matata” throughout your trip!

Arvind and Rekha P.
Canfield, Ohio
Safari Dates: July 23, 2014 to July 31, 2014

PS. Here are our shots of the BIG 5 – lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo in respective order!

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Every Day Was Kila Kitu Sawa Sawa!

We have been back from our 15 days in Tanzania for just over a week now. Our daughter is off to grad school and in less than 2 weeks, our son heads off for his graduate program. The safari trip was a terrific time together and the source of many great shared memories we can all take with us as these new stages begin.

We were fortunate enough to see three river crossings, enumerable wildebeests and zebras, the ‘big-5’ supplemented by cheetahs, hyenas, giraffes, hippos, and many birds (our favorite was the lilac breasted roller pictured here).

In looking back on all the things we saw and did, the people and the baby animals stand out. A big thanks to Dawn for her help in planning the ultimate trip and to David for his expert driving, game spotting, bird identifying and for his friendship forged over our days together. He really made the trip special and every day was kila kitu sawa sawa (swahili for everything is perfect).

We also met so many other Tanzanians whose good humor and helpful way made the travel that much more enjoyable, including Faith and Simon in Arusha, Jonas at Sametu Camp, Edward at Lion’s Paw, and Raymond at Swala. Assante sana!

As for animal babies, some big stand-outs were elephants still learning to use their trunks and mimicking the actions of their older siblings. One of the youngest we saw resorted to dunking half of her face in the pool to get a drink the old-fashioned way (pictured below)!

At one of the kopjes we came upon 3 very young lion cubs without any baby sitter present. We could have watched for hours as they already started showing the ‘king of the beasts’ attitude while staring out at us from the rocks.

While we had hoped to see a black rhino in the Serengeti, the chance to see both mom and baby was really special. To get back to them required some expert 4-wheeling from David. We were rewarded with close-up views of these endangered animals which included curious youngster who walked around and watched while mom napped.

On our way toward Sametu Camp, we saw our first jackals. The pair seemed to be heading off to hunt as evening was approaching. Up the road a bit was a termite mount with 5 jackal puppies playing outside. As we approached they made for home, though their curiosity overcame fear as they watched us and then started playing as though we weren’t there. Big ears and wide eyes overwhelm little bodies at this age.

As we headed out from Tarangire for the drive back to Arusha, we saw our 7th and 8th cheetah, a mom and cub. They looked very regal laying across their rock vantage point ignoring us as they hung out.

On a final note about the babies, we were impressed by how young some of the Maasai boys are who are out watching over the family herds of cattle, sheep and/or goats. Some of them look to be about 5 or 6 as they follow in their father’s footsteps surrounded by the wild.

There are so many memories and animal anecdotes from the trip and too many to share here. Thanks again to Africa Dream Safaris and particularly to Dawn and David for making the plan and executing the plan out on safari.

Scott, Audri, Nicole and Jackson H.
Westerville, Ohio
Safari Dates: August 2, 2014 to August 14, 2014

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An Amazing African Adventure!

Three years ago, my brother-in-law went with his father on a safari with ADS. After seeing his pictures and hearing about their incredible experience with ADS, a Tanzania safari became the top item on my father’s bucket list. So in celebration of a milestone birthday for him this year, my father and I planned our own safari with ADS, could not have been happier with the experience!

Dawn Anderson was our safari consultant, and she did a wonderful job working through the details to customize a trip that was perfect for us. Our final itinerary was an eight-day safari starting in the northern Serengeti, with stops in the central Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Oldupai Gorge and Lake Manyara National Park. Throughout our journey, we had the pleasure of staying in lodges and camps, and loved the different experiences that both provided.

The luxurious accommodations provided by Lemala Kuria Hills and Migration Tented Lodge were a welcome reprieve after a dusty day in the bush; but the peacefulness and prime location for viewing animals provided by the tented camps at Lemala Mara River Camp, Seronera Sametu Camp, and Ngorongoro Lion’s Paw Camp could not be beat.

From hearing the hippos singing in the night at Migration Tented Lodge, to having a lion join us for breakfast at the Seronera Sametu Camp, each location provided a unique and unforgettable experience! The great locations of each camp were further supplemented by the very hospitable staff, which greeted us with huge smiles and accommodated every request to ensure a comfortable stay.

Each day on safari consisted of a game drive in a different part of the park, led by our knowledgeable and friendly driver-guide, Immanuel Kichao (Imma). Simply put, Imma was the reason we had such an incredible experience on our safari. Imma was not only more than capable of giving detailed answers to every question we asked, but he navigated the bumpy Serengeti roads like the professional that he is, ensuring that my father and I were comfortable throughout the trip.

His knowledge and experience in tracking animals translated into some breathtaking moments. Though there were far too many to list succinctly in a blog post, the highlights include watching a seemingly never-ending wildebeest stampede; lion cubs playing with each other and their mothers, then going to eat the buffalo killed for breakfast minutes later; close viewing of a leopard and a black rhino with her cub; two cheetah eating their gazelle kill; and loads of run-ins with zebras, giraffes, hippos and elephants.

While seeing the animals was certainly the highlight of the trip, I also enjoyed driving through the villages on the way back to Arusha, which included a stop at the Foundation for African Medicine and Education (FAME). FAME is a hospital in the village of Karatu that provides high quality, low cost medical care to the local villagers and members of the Masai tribe. It was both inspiring and humbling to see the tireless efforts of the staff and volunteers to increase access to quality medical care for those living outside of the large cities. I am really glad we took the time to visit FAME, and appreciate that ADS provides exposure to the local culture and community efforts.

We cannot thank Dawn, Imma and ADS enough for putting together such a memorable safari. We will be talking about this trip for years to come!

Asante sana!

Joseph and Lindsay V.
Montgomery, New Jersey
Travel dates: July 26-August 5, 2014

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Detailed Trip Report, Tips and Recommendations

We just returned from our fantastic trip to the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. My wife and I, along with our 2 boys (18 and 16), had a truly wonderful trip and we are already missing the animals and landscape. I’ve been thinking: Is Swahili that difficult to learn and can I find a job there? Although we do a considerable amount of adventure photography (our last trip was underwater photography of whale sharks), I’ve never been out of the Western Hemisphere, so I was somewhat anxious about making the flight and personal connections in Tanzania. However, all of that anxiety was unnecessary as Africa Dream Safari organized this trip perfectly.

Before we go into details and give some suggestions, I should say that we wanted to do a lot of photography and Dawn suggested renting a good camera and lens. In addition to my reasonably good Nikon D90 with a 70-­‐210 F2.8 lens, I rented a D800 and an 80-­‐400 F 4.5-­‐5.6 lens (key decision), because we often had several people wanting to take pictures at the same time. The D800 has to capability of taking 36-­‐ megapixel images; thus, the images made by this camera are wonderful. Also, bring one wide-­‐angle lens for those scenic shots.

Because I was shooting fine JPEG and RAW images simultaneously, I used a lot of memory with each mage I took. I had 8 SD cards (ranging from 8 GB to 64 GB) and could fill them every day, so bringing a laptop computer is another important decision to download the images. Make sure you bring the cable that connects your camera to the computer so you can download the images. I forgot my cord, but fortunately my Mac has an SD card slot. Also, bring a copy of your camera’s users manual – I had to resort to it several times during the trip. Downloading the pdf to the computer is a nice way to save weight. Our driver-­‐ guide had 2 good beanbags in his LandRover, so don’t bring your own or go buy beans in the Arusha market (like I did).

We also brought a video camera and a drone to fly over the animals. (***Note: Subsequent to this safari, the Tanzanian government has now banned the use of drones***) The drone is capable of taking jpeg images and video. The drone enabled us to get a hot air balloon view anytime we wanted for less than the cost of a 1-­‐hour balloon ride for 3 people. Interestingly, we were not the only people using drones for photography. Our driver-­‐guide enthusiastically, but safely, encouraged the use of the drone. We have many spectacular aerial images of animals in their habitat. Although viewing the animals from the roadside is wonderful, the aerial images give an entirely new view of the animals in their environment.

International flights: We took Delta to Amsterdam and Delta (KLM) to the Kilimanjaro Airport in Tanzania. Delta was much less expensive than flying KLM, but used the same aircraft. All of the flights had excellent in-­‐seat entertainment. Our single checked bag made it without issue.

Kilimanjaro Airport reception: Faith (who is a wonderful person and very pregnant at the time) met us at the airport and got us through the visa line quickly. We were taken by van to the Mount Meru Resort – a 1-­‐hour drive. At the entrance, they check under the vans and cars with mirrors to make sure the place is safe. The hotel is nice, but since it is the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, the pool was just a little too cold four our taste. We took an extra day to recover from our 24-hour journey, so we just slept late at the hotel and then went for an Africa Dream Safari provided drive around Arusha. Arusha is a large city with significant poverty; it is amazing that Tanzania has been able to keep the Serengeti from being converted to farmland just like the American Plains were.

Getting to the Arusha Regional Airport to the Grumeti Airstrip: Faith met us at the hotel and helped us with the hotel checkout. She also arranged for us to leave a bag of clean clothes with the local Africa Dream Safari people.

Flight from Arusha Regional Airport to the Grumeti Airstrip (Western Serengeti): We flew with Regional Air on a Cessna Caravan C 208 B, which holds only 11 people. All of our checked bags were weighed as we were allotted some 30 pounds of luggage each. The carry-­‐on baggage was very small (basically your cameras). This plane does not have any overhead storage, obviously. The Arusha Airport landing strip is over 5000 feet long – plenty long for this type of aircraft. (Of note, Ethiopian Airlines landed a 767 on this landing strip in December of 2013. One more reason not to take Ethiopian Airlines.) The Cessna Caravan C 208 B is a twin-­‐engine turboprop aircraft with an excellent overall safety record.

Grumeti Airstrip: Hard packed landing strip on a flat area of the Western Serengeti. Again, no safety problems; however, one of our bags (the one with the drone) was accidentally loaded onto another aircraft. We got the bag later in the day. The landing was great as we could see wildebeests, warthogs and hippos all around the airport. We were met at the airstrip by our driver-‐guide, Inglebert.

Game drives: The drives start immediately upon arrival to the airstrip. Inglebert turns out to be a pleasant chap, terrific guide and excellent photographer. He is quite knowledgeable about the ecosystem, the animals and their habits. Having a knowledgeable Swahili-­‐speaking guide is key as they radio each other with the locations of the various animals. This guaranteed us a concentrated game viewing experience. It may have been luck, but we saw 3 rhinos, 3 leopards, a python, and over 50 lions on our 6-­‐day tour.

Speaking of lions, we saw lionesses in trees teaching cubs to climb, one group of seven lion cubs and another of 11 lion cubs. We also saw 2 lionesses make 3 wildebeest kills in less than 1-hour; apparently, they were “playing”. But we came for the migration and we saw hundreds of thousands of wildebeests and additional large groups of zebras, buffalos, impalas, and gazelles.

Key tip to the photographers – relax, you will get to see everything up close. Some days are designed for lions whereas other days for leopards. Trust Inglebert. But beware; he will give you a full day of animal viewing. Our game drives started at 6 am sharp, so we were usually up at 5 am, and we often didn’t reach the lodge until 6 pm many evenings. We were all happy to have taken the extra day in Arusha; otherwise, I think the first day’s game drive would have been difficult due to fatigue.

Mbalageti Lodge: Of all of our accommodations, this was my favorite camp. These “tents” have cement floors, rock and concrete walls, and metal roofs. Although tarps separate the living area from the bedrooms, there are doors and rock walls separating the bathrooms. The rooms are equipped with wooden furnature, leather couches, and a TV /DVD. Various DVD’s are available for viewing, but we never turned on the TV. The rooms also have a small refrigerator with complimentary water, sodas and beer. The view from the attached wooden deck is spectacular.

The camp is well positioned for the May-June part of the migration. Obviously, this lodge is in the bush and animals can, and do, wander through the camp. After dark you are required to have a guide to leave the tent. The tents all have bathrooms with hot water; hair dryers, towels, soap and shampoo are provided. Apparently, the water is heated by solar power, so take your showers at night. The warm water supply in the morning is limited. Beds are very nice and comfortable. The electricity is turned off in the mid afternoon and from midnight to 5 am, so charge your electronics appropriately. Locking safe is available. The lodge has a pool, but the water was just too cold. Dinner was great. Breakfast was a boxed meal as was lunch. Both were excellent.

Serengeti Serena Lodge. Not a tented camp, but rustic and very nice. My son particularly appreciated the WiFi. The camp is well positioned for the central and north Serengeti with its resident lions and leopards. The views from the rooms and throughout the lodge are spectacular. Obviously, this lodge is in the bush and animals can, and do, wander through the camp. After dark you are required to have a guide to leave the tent. This camp has a resident leopard that killed a dik‐dik outside our room one evening. We were disappointed as to not have recorded the action digitally, but we heard it. However, the kill was made at 6 pm – during the daytime before you are required to have a Maasai walk around the camp with you. Watch small children carefully at all camps – especially this one. Apparently, this leopard left her cub in a lodge room in 2012; I guess she couldn’t find any daycare that day. Bathrooms are very well equipped; hair dryers, towels, soap and shampoo are provided. Beds are very nice and comfortable. The electricity is available throughout the day and night. Locking safe is available. The lodge has a pool, but the water was just too cold. Dinner was great. Breakfast was a boxed meal as was lunch. Both were excellent.

Ngorongoro Lion’s Paw Tented Camp: The most tent‐like experience of all three lodges. The view is spectacular. The camp is well positioned in the Ngorongoro Crater, so you get an early jump on the animals for those great early morning photos. This camp is at altitude, so it is cold at night and in the morning‐but I really didn’t need the long underwear – only a fleece jacket. No gloves are needed either. Obviously, this lodge is in the bush and animals can, and do, wander through the camp. After dark you are required to have a guide to leave the tent. Bathrooms are very well equipped; hair dryers, towels, soap and shampoo are provided. Unlike the other 2 camps, the toilet is behind a tarp – not a door. Also, the shower is actually a real camp shower – someone filling up the reservoir with 40 liters of hot water. Beds are very nice and comfortable. The electricity is available throughout the day and night. Locking safe is not available. Dinner was great as was breakfast. Lunch was an excellent boxed lunch.

Last day: After a 3-hour morning game drive where we watched lions devouring a fresh wildebeest kill, Inglebert drove us 3.5 hours from the Ngorongoro Crater to the Mount Meru Resort where we used 2 different day-rooms to shower and repack. Our clean clothes were waiting for us at the resort. We ate dinner at the hotel at 5 pm and were whisked away to the Kilimanjaro Airport by an Africa Dream Safari representative. We were dropped off at the departure door and we made our own way to the KLM counter. One exit form needs to be completed for each person prior to boarding your flight. KLM was very strict as to what could be considered hand luggage, so we ended up checking 4 bags back to the US (we only checked 1 bag coming to Arusha). Getting through emigration was easy; however, none of the bathrooms were working in the boarding area, so some of us had to leave and redo the process all over again. Our 4 checked bags made it to our destination without issue.

Electricity: You will need an EU plug adaptor as the American plug type will not work. Bring a power strip to charge multiple items at the same time. The voltage in Tanzania is 220 volts; whereas, in the US it is 110 volts. All of our cell phones, computers, and rechargeable camera charged without a converter. Things like hair driers made for the US market are not designed for that voltage and will burn up. If you insist on bringing your own hair dryers or curling irons you will also need to use a converter. We did use an inverter in the LandRover to charge the camera batteries during our long game drives. Of note, none of the lodges had AA batteries and the AAA batteries looked old, so bring a good supply of newly purchased batteries from home.

Disease and Health Issues: All of the rooms come equipped with mosquito netting, but we didn’t see many mosquitoes. We sprayed all of our clothes with Permethrin prior to departure and we rarely needed to use DEET containing substances. Red ants are found outside and can be painful so don’t play with them (sounds obvious, but they are intoxicating to watch and fun to provoke).

Consider bringing some medication designed to relieve itching due to bites and stings. Only one brief case of traveler’s diarrhea occurred, which resolved quickly with Lomotil and ciprofloxacin. Consider making an appointment with your physician to get a week supply of ciprofloxacin just in case the traveler’s diarrhea gets you too; Lomotil is available over-­‐the-­‐counter. The roads are hard – packed dirt and very ruff – it’s called the Serengeti massage, so bring some Tylenol and/or Advil. The sun can be bright, so bring sunscreen. The hats provided by Africa Dream Safari proved to be key at preventing sunburn.

Money and tips: It is difficult not to tip well after seeing the poverty in Arusha and in the Maasai villages. Bring more cash than you think you will need. I never used my credit card due to possible fraud issues, but I ended up with just $7 in my pocket when we arrived in the US.

You pay for all of your drinks including water at dinner (except at Lion’s Paw; drinks, including alcohol, are complementary). Take a lot of 1‐dollar bills with you to tip baggage‐porters and the Maasai to lead you to and from dinner in the dark. It is not much to us, but I think it makes a significant contribution to them. I blew through 100 $1 bills easily in just 8 days. Tip $10‐20 per day per group at each of the lodges. They all have tip boxes (except Lion’s Paw). Tip your driver guide $70/day – use $100 bills when possible.

Jay, Abby, Alex and Collin R.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Safari Dates: June 2, 2014 to June 9, 2014

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