Author: Michael

Our Trip Went Like Clockwork.

Our ADS adventure was more then we ever dreamed of experiencing. Our memories will be with us forever! We loved the camp sites and lodges. They were some of the most unique accommodations we have ever experienced.

The daily safaris were a lifetime experience. Never would you think that you would see the huge number of large animals and the variety of animals.

Our trip went like clockwork. Everything was well planned for us and we just sat back enjoyed the experience. We travel often and no trip will ever live up to this one!

Donna & Norb B.
Dubuque, Iowa
Safari Dates: February 4, 2014 to February 12, 2014

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The Ultimate African Safari Trip

I had a client ask me the other day what I would recommend if planning the ultimate african safari with the following parameters: 1) unlimited budget 2) ability to travel during any month, 3) option to go anywhere in Africa and 4) desire to maximize quantity, quality and diversity of wildlife viewing. Though a pretty straight forward question, this got me thinking about all the african safari tours I have been on or planned for guests over the years and what really stood out from each one as an extraordinary highlight. Of course, this is simply one person’s humble travel opinion but here is what I would recommend. I would focus on the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and travel at the end of the green season (March or April). This is the time of plenty in the Serengeti. Many of the animals give birth during this period and everything is a beautiful shade of green. Wildlife concentrations are at their highest while tourist concentrations are at a seasonal low. For the first part of the african safari, I would choose a private mobile camp right at the heart of the Serengeti plains at a beautiful location called Naabi Hill for 4 nights. From there I would travel to the nearby Ngorongoro Crater and stay 2 nights at the world famous Crater Lodge. From the Crater, I would fly to the Grumeti Game Reserve and spend my last 3 nights in the most luxurious lodge in all of Africa, Sasaskwa Lodge of the Singita portfolio. Now that would surely be the best African Safari!

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The Best of 2013 – Part 1 – The Carnivores

It’s been another incredibly rewarding year here at Africa Dream Safaris. The stories, pictures and videos submitted from returning guests over the last 12 months have been spectacular and even inspirational. I thought it would be great fun to revisit some of the more exceptional postings from our blog during 2013 and highlight some of the most remarkable photographs. Note: Please click on each link to access the entire original posting. Starting things off is Part 1, the Carnivores:

Best Leopard Photo by Chris, Mark, Mason & Kylie (Naperville, Illinois) / Safari Dates: July 14, 2013 to July 29, 2013

Runner-Up for Best Leopard Photo by Sandy and Chris S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Best Cheetah Photo by Judy and Bobby S. / Los Angeles, CA and Highland Beach, FL / Safari dates: January 17 to January 27, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Cheetah Photo by Richard and Toni O. / Rifle, Colorado / Safari dates: February 19-March 3, 2013

Best Lion by Chris and Sandy S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Lion Photo by Alejandra M. and Family / Mexico / Safari dates: March 26, 2013 to April 3, 2013

Best Serval Cat by Richard and Toni O. / Rifle, Colorado / Safari dates: February 19-March 3, 2013

Best Caracal by Jeff Holzgrefe / Decatur, Georgia / Safari Dates: June 16, 2013 to June 23, 2013

Best Jackal Photo by Victoria R. / Los Angeles, California / Safari Dates: December 24, 2012 to January 5, 2013

Best Scavenger Photo by Jim and Nancy B. / Fox Point, Wisconsin / Safari Dates: January 15, 2013 to January 25, 2013.

Best Hunting Sequence of Photos by Donald O. and Jennifer B. / Cocoa, Florida / Safari Dates: October 29, 2013 to November 10, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Hunting Sequence of Photos by Susan and Joe / Orange County, California / Safari Dates: June 13, 2013 to June 21, 2013

Honorable Mention – Hunting Sequence by Stacey and Brian B. / New York, New York / Safari Dates: April 30, 2013 to May 12, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Jackal Photo by Luellen, Mark, Noelle and Jack M. / Kansas City, Missouri / Safari Dates: May 19, 2013 to May 29, 2013

Best Reflection Photo by Teddi and Roger, Randi and Rian E. / Kent, Washington / Safari Dates: January 1, 2013 to January 9, 2013

Honorable Mention -Cheetah With Cubs by Moira and David F. / Chicago, Illinois / Safari Dates: September 25 to October 4th, 2013

Best Smile by Bill and Sandy F. / The Villages, Florida / Safari Dates: January 20, 2013 to January 29, 2013

Best Frown by Ruthanne and Kirk W./ West Bloomfield, Michigan / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Honorable Mention – Lioness and Cubs by Terrie and John M. / Cincinnati, Ohio / Safari Dates: July 20, 2013 to August 2, 2013

Honorable Mention – Leopard by Jim and Sandra M. / Torrance, California / Safari Dates: April 1 – 10, 201

Closest Carnivore Encounter by Shari and Otto K. / Seattle, Washington / Safari Dates: March 23, 2013 to April 2, 2013

Best Hyena Photo by Donald O. and Jennifer B. / Cocoa, Florida / Safari Dates: October 29, 2013 to November 10, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Hyena Photo – by Amber H. (Washington, D.C.) and Kirsten G. (San Francisco, CA) / Safari dates: March 5-12, 2013

Biggest Battle – Lions Versus Hyenas by Shari and Otto K. / Seattle, Washington / Safari Dates: March 23, 2013 to April 2, 2013

Honorable Mention – Cheetah by Chris and Sandy S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Honorable Mention – Cheetah Chasing Jackal by Ruthanne and Kirk W./ West Bloomfield, Michigan / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Honorable Mention – Lions Posing by Jeff and Sue B. / West Bloomfield, MI / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Honorable Mention – Lion Kill with Vultures by Jim and Sandra M. / Torrance, California / Safari Dates: April 1 – 10, 201

Honorable Mention – Leopard Kill by Bill B. and Lisa W. / Walnut Creek, California / Safari Dates: July 22, 2013 to July 29, 2013

Honorable Mention – Lions Pride Fighting Over Kill by Chris and Sandy S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Honorable Mention – Lions Mating by Linda J. / Macedon, Maryland / Safari Dates: August 1, 2013 to August 10, 2013

Honorable Mention – Lion Cubs Sleeping By Heather and Robert T. / Pflugerville, Texas / Safari Dates: November 24, 2013 to November 30, 2013

Honorable Mention – Three Cheetahs Sleeping By Heather and Robert T. / Pflugerville, Texas / Safari Dates: November 24, 2013 to November 30, 2013

Honorable Mention – Cheetah with Cubs by Bill and Deborah C. / Dixon, Illinois / Safari Dates: October 3, 2013 to October 13, 2013

Honorable Mention – Male Lion by Bill and Deborah C. / Dixon, Illinois / Safari Dates: October 3, 2013 to October 13, 2013

Honorable Mention – Leopard by Bill and Deborah C. / Dixon, Illinois / Safari Dates: October 3, 2013 to October 13, 2013

Honorable Mention – Lioness by Ed, Sandy, Shannon and Kelly T. / Santa Barbara, California / Safari dates July 14-July 26, 2013

Honorable Mention – Leopard Mating by Moira and David F. / Chicago, Illinois / Safari Dates: September 25 to October 4th, 2013

Honorable Mention – Wounded Hyena by Ed, Sandy, Shannon and Kelly T. / Santa Barbara, California / Safari dates July 14-July 26, 2013

Honorable Mention – Twin Cheetahs / Ann and Don P. / Tucson, Arizona /Trip Dates: May 13, 2013 to May 28, 2013

Honorable Mention – Young Cheetah Learning To Hunt by Richard and Toni O. / Rifle, Colorado / Safari dates: February 19-March 3, 2013

Honorable Mention – Leopard in Tree by Richard and Toni O. / Rifle, Colorado / Safari dates: February 19-March 3, 2013

Honorable Mention – Top 10 Serengeti Highlights by Michael W.

Honorable Mention – The Bizarre, Quirky, Rare and Deadly

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The Best of 2013 – Part 2 – The Herbivores

Here is Part 2 in our Best of 2013 series, focusing on Tanzania’s amazing herbivores. From antelopes to elephants to the great wildebeest migration, the variety and abundance of herbivores in Tanzania is unequaled. Note: Please click on each link to access the entire original posting.

Best Impala Photo by David and Renee C. / San Jose, California / Safari Dates: October 8, 2013 to October 18, 2013

Best Great Migration Photos By Heather and Robert T. / Pflugerville, Texas / Safari Dates: November 24, 2013 to November 30, 2013

Best Giraffe Photo by Bob L. / Somerset, New Jersey / Safari Dates: January 8, 2013 to January 16, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Giraffe Photo by David and Lynette B. / Georgetown, Texas / Safari Dates: April 7, 2013 to April 15, 2013

Best Elephant Photo by Tina & Shawn L. / St. Paul, Minnesota / Safari Dates: March 11, 2013 to March 19, 2013

Runner-Up for Best Elephant Photo by David and Renee C. / San Jose, California / Safari Dates: October 8, 2013 to October 18, 2013

Best Zebra Photo by Jeff and Sue B. / West Bloomfield, MI / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Zebra Photo by Bob and Maggie B. / Poway, California / Safari Dates: January 22, 2013 to February 3, 2013

Best Hippo photo by by Jeff and Sue B. / West Bloomfield, MI / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Hippo Photo / Ann and Don P. / Tucson, Arizona /Trip Dates: May 13, 2013 to May 28, 2013

Best Rhino / Alejandra M. and Family / Mexico / Safari dates: March 26, 2013 to April 3, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Rhino Photo (Mother and Calf) by David and Renee C. / San Jose, California / Safari Dates: October 8, 2013 to October 18, 2013

Best Mongoose Photo by Chris and Sandy S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Best Newborn Photo by Susan and Andy R. / Los Gatos, California / Safari Dates: January 28, 2013 to February 4, 2013

Runner-up For Best Newborn Photo by Bob Litke / Somerset, New Jersey / Safari Dates: January 8, 2013 to January 16, 2013

Best Dik-Dik by by Chris, Mark, Mason & Kylie (Naperville, Illinois) / Safari Dates: July 14, 2013 to July 29, 2013

Best Mara River Crossing Photo by Moira and David F. / Chicago, Illinois / Safari Dates: September 25 to October 4th, 2013

Runner-Up for Best Mara River Crossing by Jim and Kit H. / Brooklyn, New York / Safari Dates: October 2, 2013 to October 13, 2013

Runner-Up for Best Mara River Crossing Photo by Meileen C. / Singapore / September 8, 2013 to September 12, 2013

Best Waterbuck Photo by David and Renee C. / San Jose, California / Safari Dates: October 8, 2013 to October 18, 2013

Best Hyrax Photo by Teddi and Roger, Randi and Rian E. / Kent, Washington / Safari Dates: January 1, 2013 to January 9, 2013

Honorable Mention – Top 10 Serengeti Highlights

Honorable Mention – The Bizarre, Quirky, Rare and Deadly

Honorable Mention – Sharing A Drink by Jeff and Sue B. / West Bloomfield, MI / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Best Eland Photo by Jim and Sandra M. / Torrance, California / Safari Dates: April 1 – 10, 201

Honorable Mention – Wildebeest Rut / Ann and Don P. / Tucson, Arizona /Trip Dates: May 13, 2013 to May 28, 2013

Honorable Mention – Hippo Photo by Jeff Holzgrefe / Decatur, Georgia / Safari Dates: June 16, 2013 to June 23, 2013

Honorable Mention – Big Tusker Elephant by Marla G. and Lauren R. / West Bloomfield, Michigan / July 5, 2013 to July 12, 2013

Honorable Mention – Giraffe Photo by Ruth Ann and Bob R. / Hobson, MT and Scottsdale, AZ / Safari Dates: July 17, 2013 to July 28, 2013

Honorable Mention – Elephant Close Up by Jeff Holzgrefe / Decatur, Georgia / Safari Dates: June 16, 2013 to June 23, 2013

Honorable Mention – Tree Hyrax by Chris and Sandy S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Honorable Mention – Young Zebra by Hallie and Walter P. / Port Charlotte, Florida / Safari Dates: September 15 to September 25, 2013

Honorable Mention – Elephant Browsing by Chris and Sandy S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Honorable Mention – Elephants Sparring by Karen, Alan, Alexander (age 13) and Isobel (age 9) S. / East Lyme, Connecticut / Safaris Dates: June 23, 2013 to July 1, 2013

Honorable Mention – Warthog With Babies By Heather and Robert T. / Pflugerville, Texas / Safari Dates: November 24, 2013 to November 30, 2013

Honorable Mention – Young Elephant by Bill and Deborah C. / Dixon, Illinois / Safari Dates: October 3, 2013 to October 13, 2013

Best Grant’s Gazelle by Bill and Deborah C. / Dixon, Illinois / Safari Dates: October 3, 2013 to October 13, 2013

Honorable Mention – Mother with Young Giraffe – by Amber H. (Washington, D.C.) and Kirsten G. (San Francisco, CA) / Safari dates: March 5-12, 2013

Honorable Mention – Elephant with Calf by Teddi and Roger, Randi and Rian E. / Kent, Washington / Safari Dates: January 1, 2013 to January 9, 2013

Spotlight on the Great Migration (Mara River, North Serengeti) by Dawn Anderson

Honorable Mention – Mother and Calf Elephant by Louise M. / Huntington, New York / Safari Dates: June 2 – June 10, 2013

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The Best of 2013 – Part 3 – People and Places

This past year certainly seemed to be the year of a million smiles as evidenced by our many beaming guests enjoying the spectacular wildlife viewing in Tanzania. We hope you enjoy this collection of photos featuring many of our safari guests that have traveled with us over the course of 2013. Here is Part 3 in our Best of 2013 series entitled ‘People and Places’. Note: Please click on each link to access the entire original posting.

At First We Were Scared, But… by Marla G. and Lauren R. / West Bloomfield, Michigan / July 5, 2013 to July 12, 2013

We Found Our Pot Of Gold In Tanzania! by Ruthanne and Kirk W./ West Bloomfield, Michigan / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Our Top 7 African Safari Highlights by Will & Beth S./ Salida, Colorado / Safari Dates: January 20, 2013 to February 4, 2013

I Recommend ADS To Help Make That Dream A Reality by Ed, Sandy, Shannon and Kelly T. / Santa Barbara, California / Safari dates July 14-July 26, 2013

Seronera Picnic Site in Central Serengeti by Donald O. and Jennifer B. / Cocoa, Florida / Safari Dates: October 29, 2013 to November 10, 2013

Our 9th Safari To Africa by Bill and Deborah C. / Dixon, Illinois / Safari Dates: October 3, 2013 to October 13, 2013

Our African Adventure by Ruth Ann and Bob R. / Hobson, MT and Scottsdale, AZ / Safari Dates: July 17, 2013 to July 28, 2013

My Honeymoon Safari To Tanzania by Stacey and Brian B. / New York, New York / Safari Dates: April 30, 2013 to May 12, 2013

Helpful Tips From Recent Safari Guest by Todd and Alexander / Santa Fe, New Mexico / Safari Dates: November 24, 2013 to December 1, 2013

Close Encounters of the Animal Kind by Michael W.

A True African Dream Trip by Teri and Duane W. / Paradise Valley, Arizona / Safari Dates: March 23, 2013 to April 3, 2013

It Was A Trip Of A Lifetime by Bob and Maggie B. / Poway, California / Safari Dates: January 22, 2013 to February 3, 2013

A Father-Daughter Photography Adventure by Caroline and Joe L. / Blue Bell, Pennsylvania / Safari Dates: August 1, 2013 to August 12, 2013

Our Top 7 African Safari Highlights by Will and Beth S./ Salida, Colorado / Safari Dates: January 20, 2013 to February 4, 2013

We Witnessed Close-Up The Many Wonders Of The Serengeti by Bill B. and Lisa W. / Walnut Creek, California / Safari Dates: July 22, 2013 to July 29, 2013

Our Magical Travel Experience by Ann and Don P. / Tucson, Arizona /Trip Dates: May 13, 2013 to May 28, 2013

A Stress-Free, Life-Changing Vacation By Luellen, Mark, Noelle and Jack M. / Kansas City, Missouri / Safari Dates: May 19, 2013 to May 29, 2013

Within Minutes We Were Watching The Wildebeest Cross The Mara River by Susan and Don F. / El Dorado, California / Safari Dates: September 6, 2013 to September 16, 2013

Sit Back, And Let Your Dream Come True! by Hallie and Walter P. / Port Charlotte, Florida / Safari Dates: September 15 to September 25, 2013

ADS Gave Us The Experience Of A Lifetime by Linda J. / Macedon, Maryland / Safari Dates: August 1, 2013 to August 10, 2013

Our 3rd Safari With ADS by Jim and Sandra M. / Torrance, California / Safari Dates: April 1 – 10, 201

Our guide was a living encyclopedia who must have 20/10 vision by Gail B. and Sue P. / Charlotte, North Carolina / Safari Dates: February 5, 2013 to February 12, 2013

Our Tanzanian Adventure by H. N. and Frances B. / Clute, Texas / Safari Dates: May 2, 2013 to May 13, 2013

A True African Dream Trip by Teri and Duane W. / Paradise Valley, Arizona / Safari Dates: March 23, 2013 to April 3, 2013

Lunch with Lions by Teddi and Roger, Randi and Rian E. / Kent, Washington / Safari Dates: January 1, 2013 to January 9, 2013

We recommend ADS to anyone looking to take this trip of a lifetime by Rachel J. and Ann J. / Chicago, IL and Dayton, Oh / Safari Dates: February 20, 2013 to March 2, 2013

Top 10 Serengeti Highlights by Dawn A.

A Trip of a Lifetime…Twice by Alejandra M. and Family / Mexico / Safari dates: March 26, 2013 to April 3, 2013

Better Than We Dreamed by Mark, Priscilla and Brandy “buibui” W. / Round Lake, Illinois / Safari Dates: April 25, 2013 to May 1, 2013

Wall Street Journal Article on ADS’s Partnership with St. Judes

Best Maasai Photo by Stacey and Brian B. / New York, New York / Safari Dates: April 30, 2013 to May 12, 2013

Best Western Serengeti (Northward Migration) by Luellen, Mark, Noelle and Jack M. / Kansas City, Missouri / Safari Dates: May 19, 2013 to May 29, 2013

Best Sunrise – West Serengeti by Patrick and Nancy S. / Pewaukee, Wisconsin / Safari Dates: June 25, 2013 to July 1, 2013

We Were In Awe Of The Beauty Of Pure Africa! by Bill and Cindy B. / Wilmington, North Carolina / Safari Dates: July 8, 2013 to July 19, 2013

Grumeti Swing Bridge by Laura J. / Derwood, Maryland / June 20-June 28,2013

Gazelle Herd at Sunrise – Central Serengeti / Ana and Erick C. / McLean, Virginia / Safari Dates: June 27, 2013 to July 4, 2013

Lions at Sametu Marsh – Central Serengeti by Bill B. and Lisa W. / Walnut Creek, California / Safari Dates: July 22, 2013 to July 29, 2013

Baobab Tree in Tarangire National Park by Susan and Don F. / El Dorado, California / Safari Dates: September 6, 2013 to September 16, 2013

Serengeti Sunrise Chris and Sandy S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Maasai Jumping Dance by Susan and Don F. / El Dorado, California / Safari Dates: September 6, 2013 to September 16, 2013

Lion Kill in Lobo Valley, North Serengeti by Jim and Kit H. / Brooklyn, New York / Safari Dates: October 2, 2013 to October 13, 2013

Maasai Women By Heather and Robert T. / Pflugerville, Texas / Safari Dates: November 24, 2013 to November 30, 2013

Welcome To Tanzania by Ed, Sandy, Shannon and Kelly T. / Santa Barbara, California / Safari dates July 14-July 26, 2013

Spotlight on the Great Migration (Mara River, North Serengeti) by Dawn Anderson

Ngorongoro Crater by Ruthanne and Kirk W./ West Bloomfield, Michigan / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Lake Ndutu (South Serengeti) by Judy and Bobby S. / Los Angeles, CA and Highland Beach, FL / Safari dates: January 17 to January 27, 2013

Naabi Hill (South Serengeti) with Great Migration in Foreground by David and Lynette B. / Georgetown, Texas / Safari Dates: April 7, 2013 to April 15, 2013

Out On A Limb by Victoria R. / Los Angeles, California / Safari Dates: December 24, 2012 to January 5, 2013

Park Rules by Linda J. / Macedon, Maryland / Safari Dates: August 1, 2013 to August 10, 2013

A Father-Daughter Photography Adventure by Caroline and Joe L. / Blue Bell, Pennsylvania / Safari Dates: August 1, 2013 to August 12, 2013

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The Best of 2013 – Part 4 – Reptiles, Birds and Primates

The larger mammals tend to steal the show while on safari but our guests have had some incredible bird sightings this past year as proven by these amazing pictures. The big crocs that patrol the Mara and Grumeti Rivers in the Serengeti National Park always make for some striking photography. Here is Part 4 of our Best of 2013 series…enjoy!

Best Crocodile Photo by Kathleen S. / Waukesha, Wisconsin / Safari Dates: June 13, 2013 to June 23, 2013

Runner-Up for Best Crocodile Photo by Luellen, Mark, Noelle and Jack M. / Kansas City, Missouri / Safari Dates: May 19, 2013 to May 29, 2013

Crocodile Attacks Wildebeest From The Spotlight on the Great Migration (Mara River, North Serengeti) by Dawn Anderson

Best Snake Photo by Laura J. / Derwood, Maryland / June 20-June 28,2013

Best Baboon Photo by Bob L. / Somerset, New Jersey / Safari Dates: January 8, 2013 to January 16, 2013

Runner-Up For Best Baboon Photo by Teddi and Roger, Randi and Rian E. / Kent, Washington / Safari Dates: January 1, 2013 to January 9, 2013

Best Collection Of Bird Photos by Chris and Sandy S. / San Diego, California / Safari Dates: September 10, 2013 to September 22, 2013

Best Vervet Monkey Photo by Luellen, Mark, Noelle and Jack M. / Kansas City, Missouri / Safari Dates: May 19, 2013 to May 29, 2013

Best Bee-eater Bird by Teddi and Roger, Randi and Rian E. / Kent, Washington / Safari Dates: January 1, 2013 to January 9, 2013

Best Bush Baby by Ana and Erick C. / McLean, Virginia / Safari Dates: June 27, 2013 to July 4, 2013

African Crowned Eagle – The Bizarre, Quirky, Rare and Deadly

Best Love Bird PHoto by Ruthanne and Kirk W./ West Bloomfield, Michigan / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Runner-Up – Love Bird Photo by Tina & Shawn L. / St. Paul, Minnesota / Safari Dates: March 11, 2013 to March 19, 2013

Best Kingfisher photo by by Jeff and Sue B. / West Bloomfield, MI / Safari Dates: March 18, 2013 to March 28, 2013

Best Tawny Eagle Photo by Jim and Sandra M. / Torrance, California / Safari Dates: April 1 – 10, 201

Honorable Mention – Baboon with Gazelle Kill by Meileen C. / Singapore / September 8, 2013 to September 12, 2013

Best Lilac-Breaster Roller by Hallie and Walter P. / Port Charlotte, Florida / Safari Dates: September 15 to September 25, 2013

Honorable Mention – Best Overall Bird Photo by Louise M. / Huntington, New York / Safari Dates: June 2 – June 10, 2013

Best Ostrich by Patrick and Nancy S. / Pewaukee, Wisconsin / Safari Dates: June 25, 2013 to July 1, 2013

Honorable Mention – Raptor Photo by Ruth Ann and Bob R. / Hobson, MT and Scottsdale, AZ / Safari Dates: July 17, 2013 to July 28, 2013

Honorable Mention – Raptors Mating by Terrie and John M. / Cincinnati, Ohio / Safari Dates: July 20, 2013 to August 2, 2013

Night Roller by Linda J. / Macedon, Maryland / Safari Dates: August 1, 2013 to August 10, 2013

Egyptian Vulture by David and Renee C. / San Jose, California / Safari Dates: October 8, 2013 to October 18, 2013

Honorable Mention – Baboon Baby By Heather and Robert T. / Pflugerville, Texas / Safari Dates: November 24, 2013 to November 30, 2013

Hornbill by Bill and Deborah C. / Dixon, Illinois / Safari Dates: October 3, 2013 to October 13, 2013

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Safari Wildlife Viewing Advice – The Big Cats

One of most common questions we receive from guests planning african safari tours is how to design the most optimal trip to maximize encounters with Africa’s most sough after carnivores including lions, leopards and cheetahs. These three elusive predators are usually at the top everyone’s must see african safari list and our guides relentlessly pursue them ensuring satisfied clients. Thankfully, the Serengeti National Park offers some of best opportunities to see the big cats but also a reasonably high change to see them in action. Our advice is two fold. First, we recommend to base yourself in the Central Serengeti for two nights minimum as this area is known as the predator capital of Africa for good reason. Tourists, field biologists and film makes travel here in droves ever year to watch, study and film these majestic animals. Second, the best time on any african safari to watch predators in right after sunrise between 6.00 am and 8.00 am. Studies from South Africa to Kenya and Tanzania have demonstrated time and time again that predators have activity peaks in these early morning hours.

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Spotlight On Tanzania And The Great Wildebeest Migration!

Check out this recent magazine article in Wild Travel that was written by Philip Briggs, world-renowned travel writer and author for Bradt Travel guidebooks, who has traveled with ADS as a guest in the past. The article was published in the latest November issue of Wild Travel. The article features Tanzania with a spotlight on Africa Dream Safaris, as our own Dawn Anderson recounts one of her most exciting safari memories!

Click on the following link access the magazine article:

Also, here are a few spectacular great migration photos taken by our own Dawn Anderson who is featured in the magazine article. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

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First Time Safari Advice

African safari tours are arguably the most complicated travel arrangements one ever has to make in their lifetime. No wonder there are so many buzz words we often hear people state when talking about planning an african safari including bucket list trip or once in a life time experience. I remember when planning my first safari over 20 years ago and being completely overwhelmed by the endless choices, options and warnings. Just getting there (about 21 hours of flight time from my home town here in Los Angeles) is daunting enough. The good news is that times have changed. In the last couple years, the safari industry in both South Africa and East Africa has made great strides in perfecting what we call the art of safari (i.e. making the whole african safari trip experience as safe, convenient and easy as possible). The infrastructure, lodging and tourism industry in general has been greatly improved. This is especially true in Tanzania where the travel sector of the economy has had double digit growth since 2008. My advice is to do plenty of planning of course but you can rest assured that there has been no better time to conduct a trip to Africa. Happy Travels! – By Michael @ ADS

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Moments That Took Our Breath Away!

From childhood into adulthood one is exposed of Africa through many venues; books, magazines, movies, etc. But nothing can prepare you for what the human eye sees, the constant change of emotions derived from changing feelings, sense of intoxicating aromas and a never ending Serengeti full with wonders of life. I will try to expose these emotions; however, I am confident that neither the following words nor pictures will fully capture the actual moments. Some of these moments were in:

o The constantly changing colors blending with terrain, vegetation and light of day

o The wakening of each day by singing birds, the shuffling of animals and the roar of the male Lion. Each communicating its own message of life, struggle and dominance

o The constant battle for survival with protecting parents of their young. The quick training that must quickly pass on for both predator and pray

o The stalking before the chase, the chase, evasions and final outcomes of the most skilled

o The parental loving attention and sharing of the fresh kill by a dominant family of Lions or Cheetahs

o The almost comical approach and participation by Hyenas, Jackals and Vultures as they ravage through the leftover of a kill or normal death. The Serengeti gives and takes with little trace of the carnage and the cycle continues

o The massiveness and vastness of the migration by wildebeest and zebras

o The cyclic and repeating migration, driven by the clock of nature, which taunts them with the promise of food for their survival

o The massiveness of elephants herds with their destructiveness of trees for food. No green training here. However, the family caring is so obvious

o The massive hippos in their “aromatic” pools, territorial and so protective of their young

o The huge crocodiles that bask in the warmth of the shores in stillness and full awareness

o The giraffes so majestic with an uncaring view of all that is a foot below them. With reward of fresh green leaves that only awaits them at the tips of the high branches made brilliant against the Blue sky

o The feeling of freedom and being alive as you stand in the vehicle, head sticking out on the top while being driven through the serenity of the Serengeti, fresh wind on your face

o The many people at the camps of Kusini, Swala, Lake Masik and Ngorongoro that made our returns a welcome with cooling towels, hot water to clean and relax our bodies, and the nourishing quality of food and drink to energize and prepare us for events to come

The above are just a few of the many treasures that are intermingled by many more animals that were unveiled through the keen eyes of a well-trained ADS guide and driver (Pokea): An expert not only in wildlife, but terrain, he managed to provide us with the utmost Safari experience. The ADS family may not be large in comparison to other providers, allowing them to focus on the quality of services and motivation to provide us with the best experience possible. The ADS family has exceeded our expectations exposing us with moments that took our breath away.

The last five days (December 29, 2012-January 3, 2013) were spent in the tranquility of the Palms resort located on Zanzibar Island. What a wonderful way to chill down and reflect on the safari adventure. The people of the Palms are to be commended for the service, exquisite cuisine, and the softening tranquility of the quiet surroundings.

If you can treat yourself and family to these experiences ADS will most certainly accommodate and exceed your expectations

Enjoy and share some of our photos

Leo Pavlow and Christiane Meyer
Safari Dates: December 19, 2012-December 29, 2012
Plymouth, Michigan

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Our Guide Was An Encyclopedia Of Knowledge

We had an absolutely amazing safari with Africa Dream Safaris, better than we ever dreamed possible. We loved having our own guide and vehicle, and the freedom to choose our own pace, according to the interesting sights and the weather. There were 4 of us, so we had room to spare for picture taking and for our daypacks as well as boxed lunches some days. From the moment we landed in Kilimanjaro, we were guided skillfully and patiently throughout our trip, even getting through customs smoothly with extra assistance from our guide.

We saw everything we could have imagined, in abundance. We encountered dozens of elephants and baboons at a time, filling the road and crossing it, lion, zebra, and cheetah and zebra families, and beginning of the wildebeest migration. On our first day, a pair of cheetahs made a surprise raid on a warthog family, stealing one of the young. The distraught mother chased the other cheetah at an amazing pace. While watching a large group of baboons all around us, we spotted a male feasting on a small animal right next to us. Our guide, David, said it was rare for baboons to eat meat so openly, but he sat at the side of the road picking the carcass clean.

One elephant actually approached and circled our truck, stopping twice to let her infant nurse within a few feet of us, before ambling away. And we witnessed a large pack of hyenas try to approach a lion kill, only to be successfully driven off by 3 determined lionesses. Two hippos appeared to clash repeatedly in the water with their mouths open, although no blood appeared. We witnesses real and novel adventures every day, not just a long distance peek at wildlife! Also, Tanzania is a bird lover’s paradise, we was a wide variety of birds, including birds of prey, at close range. Some even landed on our vehicle.

Our guide, David, was the best we have ever known, very knowledgeably responding to every inquiry imaginable (a young person in our group was especially eager for understanding of not only wildlife, but Tanzanian culture and customs). He saw wildlife with his naked eye that we had trouble locating with binoculars, and was a virtual encyclopedia of knowledge about every creature we saw – and we saw it all! Not only the big five, but dozens of smaller animals, lizards, and birds as well. He filled us in on every detail about the various acacia trees, the baobab and sausage trees, and gave us advice when we visited a Masaii village. We stayed a long time watching some animals and never felt rushed to move on, as long as one of us was standing. And he frequently moved us into a better viewing position as animals moved about, no request necessary.

I would urge anyone interested in a Tanzanian safari to book with Africa Dream Safaris, which we will surely do when we return!

Gratefully, Diane & John Shoemaker
Holland, Michigan
Safari Dates: December 5, 2013 to December 15, 2013

Cheetah With Cubs

Cheetah Escapes With Baby Warthog

Mother Warthog Chasing Second Cheetah

Leopard Awakens

Lion Cubs Asleep By Road

Elephant Calf Nursing

Hippo Confrontation

Hippo Mom And Baby

Hornbill At Nest

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ADS Blew Us Away

My parents and I have been home for over two weeks and as we reflect on our many pictures we are still in disbelief! Africa Dream Safaris was a dream come true! Our Tanzania safari exceeded our expectations every single day! Throughout our 12 day visit we were fortunate to see all of the major African species. It is impossible to select a favorite memory or experience from our trip because so many were breathtaking!

We saw a cheetah hunt and kill an antelope and then watched as the mother called for her young to come eat. We were welcomed into two separate, very large lion prides and were able to observe cubs play and wrestle while the adolescents learned to hunt. We also saw a recently born zebra foal learning to stand and young elephant calves suckling their mothers. Aside from the common animals, we were also extremely fortunate to observe a few very rare species including the side-striped jackal, porcupine, cerval cat, and a large pack of wild dogs!

Awe-inspiring animals aside, ADS blew us away with their accommodations, welcoming staff, and knowledgeable driver guide. All of our accommodations were absolutely beautiful including the private tent which was pitched just a day before our arrival specifically for the three of us. The staff at all locations were kind, welcoming and very helpful! We were even fortunate enough to have wildlife visitors at each of our lodges – absolutely unbelievable!

Our driver guide (Peter Huka) was very kind, accommodating and informative! I vividly remember him saying “This is my goal” on several occasions in reference to finding various animals that were of our interest. He made our interests his priority and was sure to keep us comfortable throughout the safari.

While in Tanzania we also visited an indigenous Maasai tribe and the FAME hospital. Both of these experiences were life changing! The Maasai warrior welcomed us into his tribe and their home. He answered all of our questions openly and was very informative. They are truly beautiful people and we feel so very fortunate to have had the opportunity to share some time with the tribe.

The FAME hospital opened our eyes to the state of medicine in Tanzania and has inspired us to act and help. We felt very privileged to meet Dr. Frank, the founder, and to see firsthand all of his hard work and efforts in motion helping the people of Tanzania.

Sharon, our time in Tanzania was unforgettable. We couldn’t feel more blessed to have found you & ADS!

Damian, Mickey and Ann
The Villages, Florida
Safari Dates: December 1, 2013 to December 12, 2013

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I left for Tanzania expecting to get to spend an amazing vacation on safari, but what I didn’t know was that I would come home with a completely new perspective. Tanzania opened my eyes and changed me in so many ways. The experience was unreal. I have never been exposed to so much natural beauty and culture as I did in the 2 weeks I spent with African Dream Safaris.

First off, our entire vacation was perfectly planned and stress free. Sharon, from the moment I stepped off the plane until our guides said goodbye to us at the airport on our last day, we didn’t have to worry about anything. Everyone we met on our trip was far beyond hospitable and happy to take care of us and answer all of our questions (I had a lot!). Our guide was the most wonderful, knowledgeable, friendly man and he became part of our “family”.

Every place we stayed at was more beautiful and breath-taking than the one before. We traveled during the slower season, so each place we stayed at was peaceful. From tents on the ridge of the Ngorogoro crater, beautiful white houses overlooking a coffee plantation, luxurious tents on top of a kopi, to a 5-star hotel overlooking a watering hole… I could watch animals drink from a watering hole outside of my bathroom window while I took a bath or wake up in the morning to elephants rustling around outside my tent.

I could never have dreamed of how many animals we saw on our safari. To put it into perspective, in the first 20 minutes of our first drive, I asked our guide to stop so I could look at herd of gazelles out on the horizon. Later that day we got to experience the 2 cheetahs stalk and kill a baby warthog. Witnessing nature in action like that is something I will never forget. By the end of our safari seeing a family of giraffes up next to our car was normal.

We saw every animal you could possibly imagine and then some. My personal favorites were the zebras. We saw thousands and thousands everywhere we went but they never stopped being fascinating and beautiful to me. One of our last drives we stumbled upon over 200 elephants, surrounding and walking around our truck. You could see them for miles! We also got to see black rhino in the Ngorogoro crater, which was a real treat.

Every day was another incredible adventure… One day we got to go on a peaceful hot air balloon safari and watch the sunrise. When we landed, we had a delicious and beautiful breakfast prepared for under a tree overlooking the mountains and herds of water buffalo. One day we spent time in a Masai village talking to and learning about their culture. I even got to learn how to do traditional Masai dances.

Overall, I will look back on this trip as an experience that has completely changed my worldview. It was the most surreal, beautiful, humbling, educational, and incredible 2 weeks of my life. I have no doubt in my mind that I will come back to Tanzania someday.

Aside from this, I can’t thank you enough for planning the this trip for us. Everything about it was perfect. I talk for hours on end when people ask me about my experience. I still can’t believe all the things I experienced and saw and did. I am only 19 years old, so it is kind of a problem because I have such a yearning to travel and experience other cultures and countries now.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you a million times.

Hannah K.
Holland, MI
Safari Dates: December 3, 2013 – December 15, 2013

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