Author: Michael

Huge Lion Kill Near Our Home In The Serengeti

We always eagerly await the periodic reports prepared exclusively for Africa Dream Safaris by the on-site field researchers of the Serengeti Lion Project and for good reason. This month’s report was especially thrilling and features the large transect pride (23 lions total) bringing down a buffalo just 150 meters away from the current field researcher’s  (Daniel Rosengren) house located at Seronera in the Central Serengeti. Thanks Daniel for providing us with an excellent report on our favorite lions once again!

Serengeti Lion Report – October 2012

THE TRANSECT PRIDE has been very busy since last time I wrote. In the dry season when the migratory prey like wildebeest and zebra are far away this large woodland pride has to catch other animals. Buffaloes are around all year but being a huge bundle of muscle with horns this is a dangerous challenge to take on. One day another researcher here told me he saw the Transect lions take down a buffalo only a few kilometers from our home. The buffalo fought viciously and managed to launch a lioness high into the air before being brought down and eaten. About a week later I got a report from another researcher that a buffalo had been brought down by the same lions just a kilometer away, just behind the local store. I went there but the carcass was already stripped of meat and there were only a few vultures and a jackal around.

In the morning after they brought down a buffalo in the dry creek just about 150 meters away from our house. We could see and hear the lions from our porch. They stayed there the whole day finishing their meal. There are 23 big lions in this pride but 2 buffaloes in two days is still a lot of food.
About one week after that I woke up at 1 am by a repeated groan. I thought I knew what it was and snuck out to the car. I only had to drive about 50 meters to our neighbor’s house where I found the Transect lions covering a buffalo, still kicking. But the battle was almost over and soon the lions started eating. There was a constant growling from lions trying to get their share. The moon was almost full and bright enough for me to see clearly without a light.

The Transect lions feasting on a buffalo next to the house:

After about an hour the three resident males, The Lohay Trio, came charging in. One of them came running along the car, literally brushing it as it passed just centimeters under my camera lens poking out of the window. The arrival of the males stirred up a chaos with lions scattering in panic. But soon enough they were all back to the carcass again feeding, the sound level of the growling even higher. By dawn only the skeleton remained of the buffalo. In only two weeks time these lions killed and ate at least four buffaloes. They sure haven’t suffered from the lack of prey in the dry season that other prides might.

Next time I write I’m probably going to have more big news from this pride. Lately the adult females have been very secretive, hiding in dens scrub and among the rocks. The last few tries I’ve only located the signal of the collar but not been able to actually see any lion. This can only mean one thing. They are having new cubs. I’m looking forward to seeing the new pride members but at the same time dreading the work it’s going to need. It’s going to take weeks of trying to sex the cubs and get the identifying whisker spots on both sides of the muzzle all while the cubs are running around and mixing in tall grass. The new cubs probably also means that the adults won’t let the now two year old youngsters stay around. So they’ll have to manage on their own now.

Some of the lions in the MAASAI KOPJE PRIDE have been seen more together lately. These are Jezebelle, Kennedy, Mato Keo and Blixten. Cordelle haven’t been seen since October last year and is probably dead. She was like many other lions in this pride very old and it wasn’t unexpected. The two cubs of Mato Keo though are still alive and healthy and recently Kennedy was seen mating with Ou, one of the Loahy Trio males that they share with the Transect Pride. So more members to this pride seem to be on their way.

Another pride that is seen more together again is the members of the CUB VALLEY PRIDE (also known as the Sametu Pride). The reason for this is no doubt because they’re having a baby boom. Valkyrie, Vanilla, Dawn, Twilight, CV91 and CV95 are altogether having 13 cubs. While Dawn and Twilight stay on their own and are rarely seen the rest can often be seen around the Sametu Kopjes and marsh. Last visit out there they were just finishing off a buffalo kill. The four resident males, the Killers, had already stuffed themselves when I arrived and lay panting in the shade with huge bellies. They almost looked like they would produce litters too.

One of the cheeky cubs in the Cub Valley Pride:

THE NAABI PRIDE has survived yet another dry season out in the harsh conditions around the Naabi Hill, all three cubs still alive. They have been venturing far out on the shadeless plains around the hill in search of scarce prey. Porky though, the grandpa of grandpas, have been seen less and less with this pride. I wonder if age is catching up with him and he finds it difficult to tag along with the rest. Every time I see him I rejoice for the fact that he has lived yet another day.

In the beginning of July the SIMBA EAST PRIDE (also known as the Gol Kojes pride) vanished completely. Despite big effort and a lot of time was spent on finding them inside and out of our study area we could not pick up one beep from their radio collar. We had no clue to where they could be. Two months later, they reappeared in the centre of our study area, as if nothing had happened. It was Skvimp and Sarah with their four cubs. Sonia and her two cubs are still missing. We do think they are still around though. But not having a collar she is much more difficult to find on a regular basis. Probably she has chosen to raise her cubs alone since the cubs of Skvimp and Sarah are much bigger and would have a huge advantage in the fight for food.

The Simba East pride re-found:

When lions disappear like this only to reappear again later makes me wonder where they’ve been. At these times I wish we could afford collars with GPS. With those it wouldn’t matter if the lions walked up all the way to Kenya, we’d still know where they were.

Since this pride is back though, they have been hanging around in an area where they never used to be. Instead of roaming around Gol Kopjes or in the nearby Cub Valley, now they have settled on the plains free of trees northeast of the Cub Valley where the sun is merciless. I hope future research will give clues to their disappearing and change of territory.

Last time I wrote I reported that there were six new little members in the MUKOMA GYPSIES PRIDE. Now the number of cubs has grown to ten only one of them is a female. She’ll have to compete for milk and food with nine brothers. If she survives she might grow up to be a very tough female.

The Mukoma Hills and their new cubs quenching their thirst in a ditch by the road:

Lately this pride have been moving slightly north along the Seronera River and often venturing out on the Mukoma Plains, something they rarely did before. This got them to cross roads with the Transect Pride recently and ended in a big battle. It was a battle that we only saw the aftermath of. One of the young Transect males had open wounds on his back and one of the Mukoma Gypsies cubs couldn’t be seen. Considering that both of these prides are very big, 18 and 23 lions, the casualties could have been much worse.

The MAKOMA HILL PRIDE females are still hanging around with the two new males Nisse and Sotis. As a result of that the sub-adults in this pride have been driven off to a life on their own. No male would accept young non-reproductive lions in the pride they’re about to take over. At least the sub-adults were big enough to run away. Smaller cubs would have been killed. Soon we might be able to get acquainted with new cubs in this pride too.

Nyota and Melody from the Mukoma Hill Pride drinking together with Sotis:

THE MAKOMA MISCHIEFS continue to move around a lot and being difficult to track. Lately they have spent a lot of time down in the Sopa Valley and one time they were spotted on top of a ridge near the Sopa Lodge. This is quite far outside our normal study area. But they are all still alive and in good condition.

So these last three months have kept us busy looking for lions running around outside their normal territories and a lot of new cubs have been born for us to give new IDs. In the near future we’re hoping for rains and that the wildebeest migration will arrive. As of writing they are not far away. We’re expecting a lot o new cubs to be born too, especially in the Transect Pride.

ADS is a proud sponsor of the Serengeti Lion Project. Our funding helps to protect lions against diseases such as canine distemper through programs aimed at vaccinating domestic dogs on the periphery of the Serengeti. We are delighted to announce that Africa Dream Safaris was honored with the Tanzania Conservation Award specifically because of our work with the Serengeti Lion Project. This prestigious award is presented by the Minister of Tourism in conjunction with the Tanzania Tourist Board.

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An African Safari For My 60th Birthday

Where to begin…this trip was a gift to my husband for his 60th birthday, but ended up being a gift to me as well. It was to date the best vacation we have ever taken! From the minute we landed in Arusha to the minute we left 12 days later, Africa Dream had every detail well planned out for us.

Our guide, J.P., was the absolute best!! We were fortunate enough to see EVERYTHING! Leopards, Cheetah with her two cubs, Rhino’s, Wild Dogs, many lions, elephant, giraffe, zebra, etc., etc., etc. It was amazing! Also, the accommodations were fantastic!

While staying at Swala Tented Lodge we were walking (with our guide) back to our room one evening and were met by five or six bachelor elephants. On another occasion, we were having our lunch boxes and a monkey, with her baby holding on, jumped on our table and grabbed Phil’s apple and brownie and then took off. Several other monkeys took off after her trying to steal the apple. It was so funny! We are animal lovers and there is nothing like seeing them in their natural environment.

The people of Africa are some of the nicest people we have ever met. They try so hard to make sure everything is perfect and they are so grateful for everything. It was truly a hard place to leave. We also visited villages and were amazed by the culture. My dream job would be to travel around Africa and help plan vacations for others to experience what we experienced. It was truly amazing and we are already talking about our next trip back.

Thank you Africa Dream Safaris and hats off to your amazing staff!

Phil & Melanie Osterhout
Drumright, Oklahoma
Safari Dates: October 8, 2012 to October 18, 2012

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Our Own Bucket List

For the last several years, since the Freeman/Nicholson movie “The Bucket List” many of us have developed our own Bucket List. An African Safari to see the big five finally floated to the top of our collective list last year. Hours of Web research led us to Africa Dream Safaris and Dawn Anderson. Her personal knowledge gained from several Tanzanian safaris gave us a great head start on planning what turned out to be the perfect safari!

From the moment we reached Kilimanjaro we were in the capable hands of an ADS staff member. We breezed through the Tanzanian Visa process well ahead of 95% of the rest of our plane load of visitors. We even beat some of the locals to our land transportation, thanks to the pre-planning by ADS. Less than 90 minutes from wheels down we were being briefed at the Mt. Meru Hotel.

Early the next morning our ADS representative guided us through the Arusha Airport for our internal flight to Kogatende Airport in the north-west corner of Tanzania. By 11 AM we had met our driver/guide, Wilfred Fue. His welcome smile was soon exceeded only by his wealth of knowledge about the animals, plants and geology of Tanzania and their interactions. He had an amazing ability to spot the animals while keeping us on the two track dirt roads, no easy feat. Even with six pairs of eyes, he out spotted us.

Not 5 minutes and 100 yards from the airport, we saw our first hippo. The ohs and ahs from the six of us came naturally. Like submarines they surfaced and submerged silently but gracefully. Moving on we came across our first herd of wildebeest massing to cross the Mara River. A small number, several hundred, did cross before a crocodile interfered with the crossing. Not until we saw a 20 foot crocodile in the flesh did we fully understand what carnivorous creatures they were.

We saw a young elephant who’s trunk was foreshortened. Apparently, poachers/hunters set out snares for small game, but occasionally an elephant trunk is snared. The animal had the strength to break free of the snare, but the line was set and eventually cut off circulation to the trunk below the snare point. With time the lower trunk rotted and eventually was lost. But, of the two elephants we saw with this problem, each had adapted and were feeding without a problem.

All too soon twilight approached and we reached Lamala River Tented Camp. Although this movable camp was our most primitive (our tents had wooden floors, two queen sized beds and an in- suite bathroom), it was also our favorite. Richard, the camp manager, briefed us on safety measures, camp life and schedule, however, his most important message covered the “talking shower.” Camp staff heated water, carried it to our tents, poured it into a container, hoisted it up on a pulley system and then made sure we were ready for our shower. “Was the water warm enough?” “Did we have enough water?” And finally, “Were we done with our shower?” All six of us had camped in the past, but never had we experienced a more interesting shower.
In the morning, Kay said goodbye to her talking shower! We were amazed at the quality and variety of meals we were served, especially after touring the kitchen, which was extremely primitive. Even five lions visiting the lean-to kitchen did not prevent the chefs from preparing a wonderful breakfast for us! No weight loss on this trip!

Day three let us experience two massive crossings! We did not attempt to count the wildebeest, but there must have been well over a hundred thousand jostling for a spot in the crossing. We spent well over an hour watching this amazing sight. In between crossing spurts we watched zebras grazing, giraffes feeding peacefully, got a fleeting look at a leopard, saw an African Fish Eagle, a Hamerkop, an Agama Lizard and the splendid Suberb Starling.

Day four, we game drove to Buffalo Springs Camp, after watching one more massive crossing. As we talked to other trekkers, they were amazed we had witnessed three crossings; they felt happy seeing one. Way to go Wilfred! One of the things we really appreciated at each camp was our arrival welcome. A hot wash cloth to refresh our faces and a cold fruit drink to re-hydrate always made our arrival special.

We learned that vultures feed on carcasses by the easiest means of entry. We witnessed the chief bird with his head well inside the wildebeest, digging for entrails. His partner is working on an eye socket. Eye sockets also provide an easy entry point.

Intermingled in all the wildebeest herds are nearly as many zebras. They travel well together and feed on the same grass. We now understand why these herds are called “nature’s lawn mowers.” They cut an enormous swath through the grass lands as they make their annual migration.

Two lions peacefully stayed near their kill and let us take pictures for several minutes while other vehicles came and went. At about 50 feet our first reaction was apprehension at being so close to these wild creatures, but as they remained peaceful we soon relaxed. It was not very hot, but both animals had a very high respiratory rate, about three times a human rate.

Day five; by now we are beginning to get jaded, the sight of another wildebeest herd does not create the frenzy of picture taking it did a couple days ago. A tribe of velvet monkeys let us pass. They are not spooked by our Land Cruiser, but Wilfred always kills the engine when we stop.

A sight we will never forget is a male lion eating his wildebeest kill. We were close enough to hear the bones crunch and the tearing sound of the flesh. How Wilfred spotted him is still amazing, we would never have seen him.

Back in camp we headed out on our foot game drive. We watched our guide start a fire using elephant dung to our amazement. We also used the Sandpaper leaf to smooth our fingernails as the Maasai do.

Day six was spent game driving south to Mbuzi Mawe Tented Lodge. As we skirted the side of a hill we came across a huge herd of zebras, in the thousands. This was the largest herd of just zebras that we saw on the entire trip. We checked them all to be sure each had a distinct pattern – just like no two snowflakes are the same. One was so soundly asleep in the road Wilfred almost had to use the horn to rouse him. From this high vantage point the landscape for miles was dotted with animals grazing. Amazing!

The Retina Hippo Pool was crowded with these large, docile looking animals. However, as Wilfred informed us, they are vicious if you invade their space. Although they are vegetarians, they will kill any other animal traversing their space. In fact, we understand they kill more people than any other beast of the jungle. Our cameras captured the sight, the sound but not the smell; as one of us said, “Don’t light a match!” with all the methane gas these vegetarians produce.

Tonight we were treated to a Maasai group singing and dancing to our delight. At breakfast the next morning, we had a large baboon look into the dining tent to see what was to eat. Fortunately, he was on the outside of the screen window looking in and soon moved on with the help of the staff.

Day seven; we were in search of cheetahs and leopards. A pair of cheetahs cooperated and posed for pictures within 15 feet of our vehicle. No long range pictures for them. We learned from Wilfred that leopards can carry twice their weight up a tree. The leopard we saw had a gazelle in the tree above his perch. While not twice his weight, it was definitely above him in the tree. He too cooperated in posing face on, or was he checking us out for his next meal? During our bush lunch break at Moru Kopjes we managed to get one more group photo near Gong Rock.

Days eight and nine were spent at Ngorongoro Crater. On our 6 AM game drive, Wilfred had to wake up the park attendant to let us in, but we were the first vehicle into the crater. We did see a couple of black rhinos, albeit from a very long way away. More lions, flamingos, wildebeest, cape buffalos, storks, gazelles, impalas, warthogs and a very pretty Grey-crowned Crane greeted us. We also had time to relax and read a book in the afternoon on our patio overlooking the crater. And let us not forget the dining room ambiance. In the evening we delighted at the Maasai entertainment.

On day ten heading to Tarangire NP we made a brief visit to the Fame Medical Center; soon to open as a hospital in Karatu. The Gustafson’s gave up their medical practice in California to work tirelessly over the past 6 years to open this medical facility, providing desperately needed health care to Tanzanians. They are gems!

For the first time since reaching Kogatende Airport, we were on a paved road heading to Tarangire NP and Swala Tented Camp – our most impressive tented camp. Our goal was to find the elusive tree climbing lions. Once more Wilfred came through for us. At one time we could see five lions in the tree; we watched a young one scamper up the tree without any difficulty. Apparently, as Wilfred informed us, this is a learned behavior only seen in this NP and we got to see it!

Day eleven, our last full game drive day included a stop by a large termite mound. Day twelve; homeward bound. What an amazing experience we had! ADS, as the kids would say, “You rock!” Thanks for a wonderful experience.

David and June Watson, Butch and Kay Raby, Robert and Mary Bicknell
Trip Dates: August 31st to September 12th 2012

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New Bush Reports Direct From Our Driver Guides

Exciting news from Tanzania! We will soon be announcing a new section of our popular ADS Blog which will allow our twenty plus driver-guides to post short reports including wildlife sightings, news and photos on a real time basis. This new forum will also allow guests to ask questions and interact with their favorite guide through the comments section at the bottom of each posting.

We kicked off this new project last week in Arusha with blog training classes. Currently, we have about a dozen digital cameras in operation that the guides can bring along to record any extraordinary wildlife sightings. If all go’s well during our initial test period over the next couple of months, we plan to add additional cameras and perhaps some video devices too!

Please let us know your comments and suggestions for improvement as we move forward with this very exciting project here at ADS. If you haven’t already done so, please join our facebook account as the guide posts will be syndicated onto our facebook page.

Stay tuned!

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And Sure Enough, Across They Started

First of all, we had a fantastic time, and our safari exceeded all expectations, for which we thank you and the rest of your team.

As you know, we flew to Amsterdam on the evening of August 15th and spent the nights of the 16th, 17th and 18th at the Hotel Kraznapolski right smack in the middle of the City, departing for Arusha on the 19th. And, are we glad we did. Not only did we enjoy immensely our visit to Amsterdam, which I had not visited in over 50 years, but we got over our jet lag quite easily and arrived in Arusha quite refreshed. I highly recommend that you advise future clients, who can afford both time and money, to do the same, as it really gave us a leg up on those who flew straight through and were quite fatigued for the first few days of their safari. I only wish we had done the same thing on our return, as the flight through Dar Es Salaam to Amsterdam, the six hour layover, and then the flight to JFK was interminable after departing Swala at 8:00AM.

The meet and greet was efficient, friendly and most helpful. Thanks for Room 602 at the Mount Meru Resort. The executive suite was certainly far more than we need for out first night and the few hours upon our return, but most welcome. A lovely view over the golf course.

I don’t know who selected our guide for us, but it was a stroke of genius. Francis Peter Powell guiding Peter Francis Ryan and Sara Barchilon took some real magical powers. And, Francis was wonderful, always on the lookout, with eyesight not to be believed. and, a most interesting man : well educated, well read, knowledgeable about anything we might encounter on the safari, knowledgeable about Tanzanian and East African history and politics, even up to date on the American political campaign.

Sally had seen the wildebeest migration and the river crossing when she had been in the Serengeti 5 years ago and we did not have any expectation of seeing it this time. But we did. We watched the herd for some time milling about on the other side of the river, sometimes going downriver and sometimes up, but clearly indecisive. So we gave up and headed slowly up river, pretty much following the progress of the animals on the other side of the river. Suddenly, the animals in the lead reversed position and started running rapidly downriver. We had seen them do this before, but we decided to follow one last time, and positioned the vehicle somewhat behind a tree on our side where we could watch what they were doing, but remain unobtrusive. And sure enough, across they started.

Francis called the guides for the other two ADS vehicles in the area to alert them, and we watched undisturbed for several minutes. Unfortunately, it seems that the drivers for other safari operators also listen in, as cars began to arrive from all directions. Soon there must have been at least 30 cars, many of which lined up right at the edge of the river bank, effectively blocking the progress of the wildebeests, who then interrupted their crossing. People were standing in their popups, and some were even standing on top of their vehicles. Many of the wildebeests who had arrived on our side of the river stopped and turned around to go back, apparently realizing that members of their families were missing.

Something should be done to enforce respect for the animals. I am sure the guides know better, but i think they should get some reminding about park etiquette.

We must have seen at least 50 lions – prides up to 17 members, animals eating a kill, lions with cubs, a lion treed by buffalo, lions mating, even elephants mating, which Francis said he had never seen before. This young fellow could not a quite get the job done, which Francis thought might have been because it was his second or third time around. Also, cheetah, leopards on the ground and in a tree, countless zebra and elephants, and the elusive rhino at some distance but clearly visible at a distance in the crater. I don’t think there could have been much we did not see.

All the camps were a success. Lamala River Camp the least, but we both liked the group dining, which I kinda missed at the others as I think we would have better enjoyed comparing experiences. Serena Lodge at the crater is delightful and most comfortable, and we followed your advice and were the first group to enter the crater the following morning.

Swala was truly exceptional in every way. We were in Tent #12 Impala at the very end, and what a treat. We were constantly surrounded with impala, zebra, the occasional elephant, birds galore. Liz and Garth were perfect hosts, especially Liz. One negative. We asked Francis about the accommodations and food for the guides, which he described as among the most meagre of the camps.

Thanks again for a superb safari.

Peter Ryan and Sara Barchilon
New York, NY
Trip Dates: August 19, 2012 to August 28, 2012

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There Is A Sense Of Pride From The Tanzanian People

From the first contact that I had with Lynn to the departure hug with our guide at the conclusion of our first safari the experience with ADS was exceptional and beyond our expectations. I had researched various companies and tours, but when I decided on ADS I was comfortable that we would be well taken care of, as Lynn had assured us we would be. Lynn never hesitated in promptly responding to questions and her thoroughness in providing information was immensely helpful, as we planned for one year this vacation of a lifetime.

That said, no amount of planning can adequately prepare you for what you experience when you immerse yourself into Africa and specifically Tanzania. I used the term “other worldly” several times during our 14 days on safari. What I meant was that there is a closeness you feel to nature and the animals as they watch you from such a close proximity. There is a sense of pride and a gentle spirit that you can feel from the Tanzanian people that is unlike anything you have probably experienced, regardless of how well traveled you might be.

From the moment we stepped off the airplane at Kilimanjaro airport we felt welcome. Lynn had assured us we would have nothing to worry about passing through the visa process and sure enough it was true. As others stood in long lines waiting to be processed, we were done. Our briefing at Mt Meru hotel by the ADS guide Matus was clear and most helpful even though we were pretty bleary eyed by then, having traveled on long flights just to arrive. Our guided tour through Arusha the next day introduced us to the life of the people of Tanzania. Need less to say there are many contrasts to the daily life, as experienced by residents of the western world.

The next day began our adventure in the bush as we flew over the Serengeti to meet our guide Omary with whom we would spend the rest of our time in Africa. From the moment we landed Omary greeted us and we came to enjoy and appreciate his ready smile and immense knowledge. It is said that your trip can be made or broken by the quality of your guide and I couldn’t agree more. Omary had an amazing ability to spot animals and birds. He would identify them for us and provide interesting information about the behavior of the particular breed.

Every day was not only interesting and educational, each day provided little surprises and delights. There was the humorous mating ritual of the ostrich and the day a group of female elephants circled the younger ones to protect them from us. The eldest female charged towards the vehicle. Omary’s respect for these animals was evident when he slowly backed the vehicle up to indicate to the anxious female elephant that we would pose no threat. She became immediately comfortable and turned back to join the herd. We always felt comfortable and well cared for and we couldn’t have been happier with our guide.

Several mornings we rose for several 6:15 sunrise departures on our game drive which allowed us to see such animals as the black rhino. We were the only vehicle for miles in the Ngorongoro Crater. In the Serengeti we were able to see a female cheetah sitting protectively on a termite mound with her two cubs surveying the landscape for any predators that might harm her young.

We went on a night game drive and observed the “hunt” with 17 female lions and 4 cubs as they stalked through the high grass. We sat in the vehicle silently, not 20 feet from three of the lions after they took down the Wildebeast. There was nothing more exhilarating than listening to the labored panting of the three lions as they sat over their kill!

I could go on and on but suffice it to say the days are constructed based upon our agreement with our guide; when we started the day and when you came in. That was not the same for other tours we observed. Many were the times my husband and I commented how fortunate we were as other vehicles would pass, crammed full of people jockeying for the ideal position for a photo. Similarly, we would watch other groups go out for a few hours only to return to camp after a half day and that was the extent of their game drive. Not so with us and we were the richer for it in safari experience.

Our last night in Tarangire National Park we climbed with a guide to the “top of the rock” as they call it and watched the sun set. What a beautiful and peaceful way to conclude a most magnificent safari before traveling back to Arusha for our departure.

Thank you ADS for making this adventure wonderful for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill and Ginger Barthel
Knoxville, Tennessee
Trip Dates: September 5, 2012 to September 18, 2012

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Our Second African Dream Safari

Even before our first safari was over my husband and I had decided to return to the Serengeti and there was no question at all that we would go with Africa Dream Safaris. Naturally we were a little worried that a second safari to the same place might not be as great as the first trip, but we were so wrong! The ADS folks made sure we had our original guide, Wilfred.

This was an advantage since we had meshed so well on our first trip. He knew we would be first out of the lodge at 6 am and would not be back until whenever we had to be. We planned our second safari to cover areas of the Serengeti that we had not visited the first time.

We started with three days near the Mara River hoping to catch a crossing. It started out with one day of watching the wildebeests walk to the river, pause then walk away. Hmmm . this was a lot like last time!

However, bright and early the next morning we caught a wild crossing with the animals leaping off one steep river bank then climbing up the far side which had an impossible looking grade. Downstream we spied a rock covered with every possible scavenger waiting for whatever food swept past.

The next morning we watched a crossing that lasted for more than an hour. It is hard to describe the chaos of these crossings. The animals leap onto each other, crash into rocks, slip and slide as they all try to squeeze through the same narrow passage. It all seemed crazily impossible to get across this river until we spotted a herd of zebras a bit upstream choose an area of calmer water and lazily trot across. Smart zebras.

The Western Corridor was absolutely amazing. Though it was not supposed to be the prime time for this area, we were fortunate with the rains and had no problem with game sightings. We watched a pond of hippos challenging for dominance right next to a pool loaded with too many crocs to count. We spotted a crocodile eating an adult zebra and the size of his mouthful of teeth reminded us that this was indeed a prehistoric monster. There were ostrich families, ostriches mating as well as antelope fights and cheetahs hunting. We seldom saw another vehicle on the roads. Our lodge room even had its shower out on the deck so we could spot game as we washed up.

Our last two days were back on familiar turf in the Seronera area where we hoped to see the big cats in action. Almost immediately we followed a large pride of lions teaching their young to hunt and really not doing such a great job. Missed cornering the zebras at the water hole twice.

The last day was one of our most memorable. This may sound strange since it involved staying with a cheetah mom and her cubs all day long. We spotted them around 7 a.m. and Wilfred said she and the cubs were hungry and something would have to happen soon. We decided to wait and see. There was a second ADS truck on site so the drivers decided to switch out so we could see if there were anything else happening nearby. They would call each other if Mom started to hunt. We spent the time watching the cubs climb trees and play together. They nursed and napped while Mom kept a steady eye on the horizon.

I have to admit that by one o’clock I was ready to bail but my husband and Wilfred convinced me to give it another hour while we ate our lunch. Thank goodness they did because a herd of gazelles meandered by and things happened very quickly. We learned how fast a cheetah could move .WOW! Mom and babies were soon feasting. We stayed until a hyena moved in and claimed the carcass, stealing it away from the cheetahs as well as the waiting jackals and the buzzards circling above.

The safari was over too quickly. Regular days without game drives are not as much fun as wondering what is just around the next corner. We might need safari number three and I cannot think of a better group than Africa Dream Safaris to trust with the arrangements. I have to say that most evenings in the lodges we could overhear other groups talking about their day and seldom did anyone have the range of experiences we did. They are the best!

Chris and Terrence Campbell
Raleigh, North Carolina
Safari Dates: October 6, 2012 to October 14, 2012

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Well-done ADS!

We just returned from our first visit to Africa and it surpassed all of our expectations. From the planning of the trip with Dawn, all the way to our boarding the departure flight, we were amazed at the professionalism we experienced. Every detail was covered, including lots of surprises that only ADS customers experience.

We were blessed to have Pokea assigned as our driver/guide. There are not words to describe how special he made our trip. He seemed to always have us in exactly the right spot to get a good picture of the animals. Within 30 minutes of landing at the Mara River Air Strip, we were watching a river crossing. WOW, what an amazing site! Everyday was a little different, but he always managed to find something we hadn’t already seen. Only Pokea could pick a picnic spot under a tree where a leopard tortoise was resting.

Our main interest was seeing the big cats and cats he showed us. Cheetahs, on a kill, with cubs, single males and brothers. Lions, prides with male, female and cubs, black maned males, females with cubs and roaring lions. Leopards, in a tree with a kill, walking through a field, climbing a tree, and sitting on a rock.

If you are considering a safari, you should go with Africa Dream Safaris. One night at dinner in one of the tented camps, we found out how special being with ADS was. Pokea was eating with us and we were telling the others what a great guide he was. They were all part of a package deal through another company. They had some issues with one member of the group and it had been a real ordeal for them. On top of that, they had not had near the experiences we had, or the quality of guide. By the end of the meal, they were all asking Pokea questions. Questions they should have been able to ask their own guide, but maybe all guides aren’t equal? As the week wore on, it became apparent that very few companies get on the early morning action. In most cases, we found it first and had if for a long time before anyone else showed up, if they did at all. Everyday when we got into our land rover, we were the first to leave our camp. In most cases, that paid big dividends.

On the way out of the Ngorongoro area we visited FAME. They are doing some really great work there. If you decide to go to Africa, make this a part of your trip. You can read about it on the ADS site.

All in all it was truly a trip of a lifetime and one we will never forget!

The Harkey’s
Tobaccoville, North Carolina
September 2012

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A Private Safari In Tanzania

It has been a dream of mine to visit Africa ever since hearing stories from my aunt and uncle who worked for Radio Free Europe there decades ago. It took some convincing to get my wife to agree to the trip – not that she didn’t have a similar dream of taking an African safari because of her love of animals, but that she was nervous regarding occasional news reports of various uprisings and how it would impact the trip. After many months of broaching the subject, she finally agreed!

We were given the name of a tour company that someone we spoke with had used. I researched that company on the Internet and eventually came upon another: Africa Dream Safaris. I liked what I read and particularly liked the option for a private safari in Tanzania – just us and the driver/guide. Our contact at ADS, Sharon Lyon, made the planning as easy as possible and provided lots of useful information.

Immediately upon arrival in Tanzania, the team assigned to take care of us were on hand and extremely helpful. They had our visa paperwork processed quickly – well ahead of the others arriving on the same flight – and in very little time we were taken to our vehicle and driven to the hotel. We had a wonderful tour guide in Arusha, who provided some insight into life there and drove us to various points of interest.

We were excited finally to take the small plane out to the Serengeti so we could start our customized safari. Our ADS driver/guide, David Chando, was wonderful and is a real asset to the ADS team. We are in awe of his ability to find the best viewing spots, such as the wildebeest migrating across the Mara River (which other groups had attempted but missed because they were in the wrong spot when it actually took place) and the lioness with a fresh kill and her two cubs providing us with wonderful photo and video opportunities. There were numerous other times when we felt we had the best, most proficient guide.

We had a wonderful 12-day stay at various tent camps and a couple of lodges. Each had different styles, but all were what we needed for a comfortable, enjoyable stay. The staff of the tent camps were welcoming, cheerful and professional – we felt very much at home despite only staying one or two nights at each.

Most of all the trip was about the animals. The safari provided spectacular views and incredible photographic opportunities. Zebras, wildebeest, elephants, impala, baboons and even lions came within touching distance of the vehicle, but they paid very little attention to us. It was rewarding to see these magnificent animals where they belong – content in their natural environment, unlike those at zoos, circuses and wildlife parks in other parts of the world. We were happy to help contribute to funding the continued conservation of the land and wild inhabitants of Tanzania.

We were sad to say “goodbye” to our driver/guide and the other wonderful staff who helped us along the way. Watching the video clips and viewing the many wonderful photographs we took (over 6,500 of them!), we find ourselves becoming nostalgic. We would certainly recommend this adventure to anyone considering an African safari and highly recommend Tanzania as the destination, Africa Dream Safaris as the tour company, and David Chando as driver/guide. Thank you to everyone who made this trip such a great lifetime memory.

Dave and Fiona Fiar
West Hartford, Connecticut
Trip Dates: September 5th to September 16th

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I Felt Totally Safe and Cared For

Tanzania was absolutely wonderful. Much more than I expected. I felt totally safe and cared for from the time I disembarked my flight at Kilimanjaro Airport and the ADS representative greeted me, throughout the entire trip, and my return back to the airport. This was important to me as I made the trip alone. The beautiful people of Tanzania are friendly, kind, and cheerful. The lodges and camps were all great and the staff exceptionally attentive.

My Guide, Claude, seemed as though he was selected just for me. He read me and my interests (which were everything), within the first hour, and we became fast friends. He was so knowledgeable, patient, considerate, and had a great sense of humor – a perfect companion guide. He went above and beyond to ensure that the experiences I had were all outstanding. Time after time he set the situation up for me to have the perfect experience, such as elephants crossing the Mara River and on and on.

I cannot get the sights, sounds, scents, and shapes of the Serengeti, the Crater, the animals, birds, flowers, and trees out of my mind. I feel totally rekindled and connected to nature as it is intended to be. Anyone considering this trip should not hesitate, as it truly is “the trip of a lifetime” with adventure, beauty and spiritual aspects every day. Photos do not do justice to the Serengeti, the Rift, or the Ngorongoro Crater, but here are a few photos anyway.

Thank you Sharon and to all of the ADS staff involved in making my trip a wonderful experience.

Jan Duggan
Wilmington, Massachusetts
Safari Dates: September 18th, 2012 to September 26th, 2012

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The Migration Crossings were the Highlight – September 2012

I just wanted to write and thank you for the amazing safari that you helped arrange for my wife Amy and myself. Tanzania and ADS delivered a truly memorable experience on all fronts. Our driver and guide, Arnold, was truly fantastic. His knowledge and enthusiasm for the wildlife, graciousness and hospitality were simply exceptional. We couldn’t have been happier with him as our guide to experiencing Tanzania. Lynn was also a wonderful facilitator in arranging the itinerary and in providing all the advice and help in preparing for the trip over the past year. Thanks Lynn! Both Arnold and Lynn are a credit to ADS. They definitely deliver a great experience to the clients.

September was a great time to visit the Serengeti, as it was not too crowded, and we got to witness the migration of the wildebeest herd up in the beautiful, green regions of the northern Serengeti. Due to the recent rains in Tanzania, the herd was crossing back into Tanzania early this year. Seeing the wildebeest migration crossing the Mara river was a spectacular sight. We were fortunate enough to witness it on 3 different occasions over 2 days. One of these was a massive crossing that lasted over 2 hours.

Our back of the envelope calculation was that at least 100,000 animals had crossed in that single crossing, and that was actually only about half of the animals that had assembled at the river’s edge. I thought it would be a once in a lifetime experience, but then we saw the whole thing again each of the next 2 days! Arnold knew just when to be around the river to wait for the crossing. He was also brilliant at positioning the vehicle so the light was best for photographs. Along with the wildebeest herd, the northern serengeti was packed with wildlife. Thousands upon thousands of zebra and antelope of all variety.

Witnessing the migration crossings were definitely the highlight of the trip, but there was so much more to see as well. We also visited the Loliondo Conservation Region, the Lobo Valley, the central Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater and Olduvai Gorge, and Tarangire National Park. All were special places with their own character.

The Loliondo region and Lobo Valley were beautiful wooded hilly regions with elephants, lion prides, and hundreds, if not thousands, of giraffes. The central Serengeti truly embodies the sense of “endless plain”. Seeing it in the dry season was fascinating, as there was a sparse beauty to it at this time of year. Fortunately there were still abundant antelope, lions, leopards, and cheetahs to view. Learning to spot them in the dry, yellow grasses was a great game to play.

It was also great to be in our private camp in the central Serengeti. We could hear lions mating throughout the night, and hyenas calling as they walked through the campsite. Pretty neat. The Ngorongoro crater was also not too crowded at this time of year, but still contained a great assortment of animals to view, including several pairs of rhinocerases (what’s the plural for rhinoceras? rhinoceri?). The crater itself is also a beautiful spot. Sunset on the crater rim was something special.

We also loved the time we spent at Tarangire National Park. This is a truly beautiful park with relatively few visitors, at least in September. We hardly ever saw more than 1 or 2 other vehicles on any of the game drives here. Watching all of the elephant families and herds coming to the Tarangire River to drink was beautiful. There are also large numbers of buffalos, zebras, giraffes, and antelopes, as well as several large prides of lions that follow them around waiting for their chance to hunt. My advice to anyone planning a safari trip would be to definitely include some time in Tarangire.

We’d also like to thank all of the people working in the various camps we stayed in during our trip (Lemala Mara, Buffalo Springs, the ADS private camp, Lemala Ngorongoro, and Swala Tarangire). The level of comfort, food, and service we encountered was fantastic. The people of Tanzania are incredibly warm, friendly, and hospitable. They all made the trip very special. Thanks again to Lynn, Arnold, and all the ADS people for making our trip such a memorable experience. Maybe one day we’ll be lucky enough to visit Tanzania again. If so, we’ll definitely use ADS again.


Bruce and Amy Power
Berkeley, CA, USA
September 2012

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A Childhood Dream

Visiting Africa had been a dream since childhood, and it was only when I realized how easy planning a safari could be with ADS that I decided to go for it. The ADS staff guided our every step in the planning process and let us focus on just having a great trip. The safari itself exceeded our every expectation.

Our driver, David, was a true professional with an incredible depth of knowledge on African geography, culture, flora, and fauna. If we told David we wanted to spot a particular animal, he found it-against all odds. In fact, when we told him we’d like to see a snake, he located an African Rock Python sunning itself about 20 feet up in a tree (how did he do that?).

He knew just where to see reclusive leopards, and the perfect place for spotting a black rhino in the Ngorogoro Crater. In addition to David, all the other ADS staff were fantastic. Our private camp was an incredible experience-particularly the traditional African meal, which left us groaning (with pleasure) from overeating! Plus, we were thrilled to find a pride of 17 lions camped out a mere 100 meters from our tent. What an experience!

I’ve already told several friends about ADS and encouraged them to make their Africa dreams a reality sooner than later. ADS really deserves its fantastic reputation as an outfitter.

Jim, Barbara and Madeleine Hill
Saratoga Springs, New York
August 2012

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FAME Medical Admitting!

At 9:29 a.m. on August 30th, we were handed our approval letter from the Ministry of Health in Dar es Salaam. With all the required inspections of the new facility behind us and enough doctors and nurses to cover 24 hour care, we have been given official permission to upgrade from outpatient clinic to hospital. We can begin admitting patients at FAME Medical.

And to every single one of you who have helped us reach this moment in time….our deepest love and gratitude.

Susan, Frank & the FAME Team

Africa Dream Safaris is proud to be a major sponsor of FAME and Dr. Frank Artress since 2008 and was honored with the Tanzanian Humanitarian Award specifically because of our work with FAME. Our ongoing monthly donations help FAME fund their mobile medical clinic bringing medical care to children living in remote areas. Many medical conditions can be treated correctly with proper healthcare including respiratory infections, waterborne diseases and diabetes. We suspect many children with juvenile diabetes simply die in rural Tanzania due to limited access and resources.

You may be asking yourself “How can I help?” The good news is that it doesn’t take much to make a real positive impact. Please consider a $50 donation to help Dr. Frank and Susan meet operational expenses for their Mobile Medical Service, purchasing laboratory equipment to provide more comprehensive diagnostic services, and completing the next phase of the medical project which involves expanding the existing Outpatient Clinic into a small hospital. The facility will include 12 inpatient beds and a major and minor Operating Room.

Africa Dream Safaris will match dollar for dollar any $50 donation thus turning your contribution into $100, which has real significant purchasing power in Tanzania. Please click here to contribute to FAME and to learn more about the organization. Make sure to enter ‘Africa Dream Safaris’ in the designation field to ensure that your $50 donation is matched correctly.

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If you want to maximize game viewing, ADS is the way to go!

What an experience, it seems like words alone can’t do it justice! When planning our trip to Africa, we searched for many long hours and compared a number of different safari outfits. However something about Africa Dream Safaris (ADS) made it stand out from the rest. Perhaps it was the excellent reviews, the amazing testimonials, or the dedicated attention provided by our sales representative Sharon Lyon; something just kept us coming back. Now we know first-hand what that something is and why ADS receives such praise. By sharing our journey, we hope to give you a glimpse into that special something that made ADS the perfect choice for our African safari!

From the first moment you get off the plane at Kilimanjaro, ADS is there to assist you by expediting the Customs process. We were then escorted to Mt Meru Resort, an amazing five star resort with all the amenities of home plus many more. The resort was an excellent place to stay and get some sleep after such a long flight. Of course it was hard for us to sleep too well with all the excitement of knowing that the next morning would be the start of our safari. The next morning we started off with a delicious buffet-style breakfast. The food was very delicious and always fresh. A trend that carried throughout our trip at all of our lodges and even with the picnic baskets we took on the road.

Our safari journey began with a short drive to the Arusha airport where we caught our flight that would take us into the breathtaking wilderness of the Serengeti. The flight was about an hour, during which we got to see the vast landscape of Tanzania. As our flight made its descent towards the air strip, we got our first glimpse of African wildlife as we spotted elephants, impalas, and hippos. After landing, we were greeted by the sights of all the different safari outfits and the excited travelers who, like us, were beginning their safari experience. We were soon greeted by our very own ADS driver and guide, Miko.

We can’t sing enough praise for our guide Miko. He was an excellent guide and helped add so much to our experience while on the safari. He was very knowledgeable about the animals and the history of the area in general. His ability to spot animals from a long distance and by sound alone was uncanny. The rest of the day was spent driving into the northern part of the Serengeti and provided some very memorable moments.

The first of these moments was when we witnessed a herd of elephants cross the Mara River. The baby elephants were so cool to watch as they wrestled with each other. Later, on our drive, we came across a pride of lions on some rocks. Among the young lions was a majestic male lion, which was not afraid to smile and show his teeth to the camera. Our luck continued the rest of the day as we spotted all sorts of wildlife, from zebras to beautiful African birds. However, the best spotting came in the late afternoon, with our first sighting of a cheetah. What made this cheetah so memorable was that she had cubs with her, not just one or two, but five cubs. With so much excitement and awe in the first day, we couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the trip had in store for us.

We eventually had to start making our way to the first of our safari lodges, Buffalo Springs Lodge. While all the places we stayed during our safari exceeded our expectation, Buffalo Springs managed to shine the brightest. The staff really stood out to us here, as they were very friendly and went way above and beyond to ensure our stay was comfortable and enjoyable. The food was amazing and we were able to enjoy the company of our driver, Miko, who was happy to answer all of our questions and to tell us more about the country he loved so much.

One of the best perks of Buffalo Springs is their night game drive. The night game drive gave us a chance to experience wildlife that would not normally be present or perhaps active during the day. A memorable part of this game drive was the hyenas, about thirty total, we got to see in action around a carcass. While Buffalo Springs was our favorite lodge, the trend of friendly staffs, excellent food, and breathtaking views from our accommodations continued with all of our lodges. The other lodges we stayed at included, Seronera Sametu Camp, the Ngorongoro Serena Lodge, and Kikoti Tented Lodge.

The following day we got to experience some of the local culture by visiting a Maasai village. We were taken on a walking tour of the village by one of their young scholars. He talked about their culture and their beliefs. We were amazed by all the vibrant colors of the clothing that the Maasai wore. Later after the tour, we got to watch the young men and women of the village perform a dance and we even got the opportunity to join in on the dance.

During our trip, we got the opportunity to see and discover so much wildlife. We could talk for hours and write hundreds of pages of our experience and still not do it justice. Starting this safari, we had big expectations of what we hoped to see. Within the first couple days into the safari, we had seen almost everything on our list, leaving the rest of the trip as a bonus.

Perhaps the biggest highlight of our trip came on the fourth day of our safari. Late in the evening we had approached a leopard sighting, when a commotion was herd. The safari vehicles raced over to check it out and to our amazement was a leopard that had just killed a Thomson’s gazelle and carried it up a tree. Miko helped get us a great view of the leopard with the kill while a couple hyenas were at the bottom of the tree looking out for some scraps.

Our luck with the three big cats (lions, leopards, and cheetahs) would continue on with us spotting all three big cats in the same day on two separate occasions. Going into the trip, we were concerned with how close we would get to the animals. While some animals required a good pair of binoculars to spot, we had plenty of chances to see animals right outside of our vehicle. We got close-ups of such animals as lions, cheetahs, elephants, zebra, wildebeest, baboons, and various gazelles, just to name a few.

While nothing beats the Serengeti, in our book, we had other great days at places like Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara, and Tarangire National Park. The highlight of the Ngorongoro Crater, and one of the perks of ADS, was being the first vehicle into the park. This early start allowed us to maximize our time spent in the crater. The crater offered a chance for us to immerse ourselves amongst thousands of wildebeest and zebras as they migrated across the vast plains of the crater. During lunch at the crater, we got the opportunity to picnic while only a hundred yards away slept a pride of lions.

As for Lake Manyara, traveling through the park felt like we were making an excursion through a wild jungle. This park gave us the opportunity to see vervet monkeys, blue monkeys, and baboons up close and in action. The last part of our trip took us to Tarangire National Park. This park by far offered the best views of elephants all trip. We saw a huge number of elephants, numbering in the hundreds. We also got the opportunity to see lions around a cape buffalo carcass. At the end of the day, we were treated with the site of a mother cheetah with her cub. The cheetah made her way down to us and stopped no more than ten yards away from our vehicle giving us the perfect photo opportunity.

We want to thank everyone at ADS, especially Sharon Lyon for helping answer the hundreds of questions leading up to our trip. She was always quick with responses and very friendly. She helped answer any concerns we had and made the booking of the trip so much easier than expected. We felt very well prepared going into this trip thanks in large part to Sharon’s friendly advice and wealth of knowledge.

We’d also like to thank our guide and driver Miko, whose expertise and passion for the job made our safari experience so much more enjoyable. If we ever end up going back on a safari, we will definitely choose African Dream Safaris. We don’t see how any tour group can offer more than what ADS gave us. Long after the other safari outfits had returned to the lodges, we were still out in the park seeing stuff like a leopard with a kill in a tree. If you want to maximize your time spent game driving, ADS is the way to go. Thanks again for an unforgettable trip!


Bradley Parks and David Rivenbark
Manchester, Tennessee
Safari Dates: August 26, 2012 to September 3, 2012

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Awesome Africa!

Reading the AD newsletters makes you realize that Africa Dream sets their clients expectations high and then consistently surpasses them.  Our trip was no exception.  Our guide, Reggie, showed us so much on our first afternoon that we did not know how there could be much more in the ten days to come.  Nevertheless, he delivered time after time.

First, there was a buffalo stand-off with a lion in a tree.  Then, there was a hippo out of the water followed by a large herd of elephants which were not only close but also crossed the road immediately in back of our land cruiser.  Several times he spotted leopards and lions in trees, including a pride of eight.  Of course, there were zebra, wildebeest, topi, baboons, ostrich, gazelles, giraffe, and many other animals. This was in the first afternoon.

I thought to myself that seeing a lion on a kill would be nice but too much to ask.  Well, the very next day we saw hyenas finishing off a kill.  A few days after that we saw a handsome male lion on a kill with more than thirty predators waiting their turn.  When he walked away the frenzied free-for-all among the hyenas was fun to watch.  Very quickly that wildebeest carcass was gone and if we’d come into Ngorongoro Crater after breakfast as some tours do, we would have missed it.  Okay, now we’d seen a bonus, more than one could ask for, right?

Wrong.  The big thing left to see was a predator making a kill and that is exactly what happened hours later.  We watched a single lioness patiently stalk a wildebeest.  Reggie said she was waiting for the wildebeest to not be paying attention.  Sure enough, after more than fifteen minutes of our waiting, another wildebeest challenged him to a fight and in seconds the lioness was on him.  Her skill at overcoming an animal much larger than herself was fascinating.  Reggie got it all on our video camera.

Time and time again, Reggie demonstrated his understanding of animal behavior by positioning us in the ideal spot.  The male lion crossed the road directly in back of our land cruiser when he finished eating.  Several times we were able to watch elephants extremely close.

When my husband’s joking response to the first distant giraffes was “Reggie, I want to see their eyelashes”, Reggie delivered by finding giraffes feeding next to the road.  Two black rhinos crossed immediately in front of us because Reggie anticipated what they would do and signaled other cars not to move so we’d maintain a rhino-friendly gap.  We were able to drive right into the migration and sit there surrounded by wildebeest and zebras.  It was awesome.  A cheetah with three cubs was a bonus as were the sleeping lions on the kopjes.

Our accommodations were all outstanding but we especially enjoyed the tented places and Gibbs Farm.  Reggie’s response to my husband’s health problem on day two was superb and saved our trip.  My only regret was that my husband’s health problems prevented all but one early morning departure – something both Reggie and I would have preferred.

Thanks Africa Dream for making dreams come true.

Bobbie and Rich Kinsinger
Dousman, Wisconsin
June 2012

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