Maybe Twice In A Lifetime?

In August 2023, I realized a decades-long dream of going on a safari. I originally planned a trip for 2010, and selected ADS based on a recommendation I had received years before and thankfully kept. Things changed, as they do, and that trip never came to fruition. At that point, I told myself that within a year of retiring, I would make that dream a reality. And I did!

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Beautiful, Wild and Perfect!

Kristi and I first contacted ADS nearly ten years ago. The packet that we received in the mail lived on our bookshelf, through multiple moves and life changes, as a reminder of a dream. We watched the Hemingway experience video over and over and I must admit I had some doubts that the experience could live up to their depiction. I am excited to say that it was everything they said it could be and more! Placing our faith in ADS to plan and coordinate our August 2023 Dream Safari was the most perfect choice we could have possibly made.

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The Land Of Abundance!

I’m a traveler. I take 2 big trips a year and 4 to 6 small trips. I happily suffer from Wanderlust and I’m not looking for a cure! With most of my travels, I always say I’m going to return but never do. There are just so many wonderful places to explore. In August 2022, I had visited South Africa, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Botswana as a solo traveler on a 16 day group tour. The trip was incredible.

Africa had touched my soul in a way no other place had done before and I wanted to return. I started doing some research and before I left Botswana, I had already made contact with Sharon Lyon of Africa Dream Safaris. Tanzania, the Serengeti and the Great Wildebeest Migration were high on my to do list!

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Celebrating Our 40th Wedding Anniversary In Tanzania!

I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful our anniversary safari trip was. ADS and Tanzania exceeded our expectations in every way. We did not have one problem. Everyone was helpful and kind. Michael, our guide, was AMAZING! He knew all about Tanzania, every animal, their behavior, and where to position the Land Cruiser for the best view and photos. He was able to spot the wildlife when they were hardly visible to the eye. How does he do that?

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An Awe-Inspiring Epic Adventure That We Will Never Forget!

We just returned from our safari and it still feels like it was all a dream come true. Hundreds of thousands of animals in all directions to the horizon. A diversity of animals beyond belief and lots of baby animals. The circle of life was vividly and dramatically illustrated and the connectivity of all the animals in this amazing place was beautiful.

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A Bucket List Trip Across The Serengeti!

A safari across the Serengeti has long been a bucket list adventure we’ve been looking towards as we embarked on our retirement years. Then COVID hit and our plans were put on hold. We did not want to experience a safari with a group of 10-12 strangers following an itinerary where we were one of a dozen other tours staying at the same lodges. We were seeking a unique intimate experience that we would remember for the rest of our lives! African Dream Safaris (ADS) provided just such a custom experience.

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The Cultural Experience!

Journey with us to Tanzania in our latest video installment showcasing our unique cultural tours and excursions! Visit several different tribes in Tanzania and learn about their fascinating history and culture including the Maasai, Hadzabe and Iraqw tribes. Other excursions include the new Rhino Experience and a visit to the famous Olduvai Gorge Museum and Archaeological Site.

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A Dream Come True For My Family!

Recently my family and I went to Tanzania for a safari. Over a year ago we researched options of tour companies, routes, costs, etc. We decided to have Africa Dream Safaris arrange our entire trip from the moment we arrived until the moment we flew out. Our decision was based on recommendations, reviews and most of all how Dawn took such an interest in our trip asking us questions about what we want to make sure it was just perfect. She was always helpful, extremely responsive and patient if any changes were needed.

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The World Back In Perspective…

Thank you for helping us to put our busy lives and the crises filled world in perspective. In just 7 days, you brought into focus the wonder of nature, the warmth and kindness found in mankind, and the tranquility of immersing oneself in a patient search for beauty in our midst. We cannot imagine this possibility without the attentive and thoughtful guidance of the Africa Dream Safaris team.

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Thank You For A Wonderful, Life-Changing, Family Adventure!

We just returned from a magical 10 days in Tanzania. Our family fell in love with its incredible wildlife, breathtaking beauty, and friendly people. Although we went into it thinking this was a once in a lifetime trip, we already want to go back! Africa Dream Safaris was amazing to work with from start to finish and orchestrated a safari that was even better than our wildest dreams.

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For 12 Days We Experienced An Adventure That Can Never Be Duplicated!

Explaining to friends and family that you were going to Tanzania to go on safari brought many interesting remarks. Some were fascinated. Some were curious and were happy we were the guinea pigs to try it first. However, most stated they would never do such a thing as they would be way to nervous and scared of the unknown. The thought of going to a developing country to see wild animals was simply too much for many to comprehend. No doubt, the days leading up to our adventure had both my wife and I a little anxious. A long flight to a country that we know little about and trusting people we do not know definitely put us out of our comfort zone.

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