Our new Trip of a Lifetime section highlights safaris for senior guests who enjoy the exclusivity of a private and custom program tailored to their specific interests and needs. Our pre-safari planning service ensures that guests are well prepared for their trip before they ever step foot on Tanzanian soil. And once in the country, all safaris are 100% escorted and chauffeured from arrival to departure including VIP assistance with customs and immigration at the airport.
We host many elderly clients without any problems whatsoever and ask each guest ahead of time about health concerns or medical conditions that we should be aware of. You can rest assured we take extra care to make sure our guests are as comfortable as possible throughout the entire duration of their trip. If mobility is a concern, we can request guest rooms that are close to the common areas at the various lodges/hotels. Aside from walking from the vehicle to one’s guest room, very little walking is required on a trip like this. Part of the beauty of a private safari is that you can move at your own pace.
For more details including specific guest testimonials and a sample safari itinerary, please visit: africadreamsafaris.com/trip-of-a-lifetime
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