Author: Michael

Quote of the Week: Patti and Joel Velasco

From the time we contacted Africa Dream Safaris to the time we boarded the plane for home in Kilimanjaro, we were treated like royalty. Our safari was one of the most amazing trips we have ever been on. ADS made our 20 year anniversary a special event!

Our guide was incredible with the most amazing eyesight! He worked tirelessly to find the animals, interesting places to see, and was totally flexible to what we wanted to see and do. He was not only knowledgeable about the animals but also the environment and history of the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater.. We started our days at 6:00 so we could take advantage of the movement of the animals and experience the spectacular sunrise over the Serengeti. We had breakfast and lunch in some of the most beautiful locations. Our favorite had to be breakfast in the middle of the wildebeest and zebra migration. Nothing like sitting at the table, drinking coffee, and watching the animals stroll close by!!

One of our favorite animals was the lions. Taking the advice of our guide, our patience paid off and we were lucky enough to see two kills. It was unbelievable watching 4 female lions and 6 young cubs eating their breakfast!. Afterwards, we could not believe that the cubs and two females decided to use our Land Rover for shade. Imagine having lions walk by the vehicle and crawl under to get out of the sun!!

Cheetahs and Leopards were on our list to see and we were not disappointed. Our guide was able to spot these animals when we could not see anything. The thrill of having a cheetah and a leopard pose for us to take pictures was incredible. Being up close to these elusive animals was beyond imagination.

Our lodges were fantastic, unique and the staff were extremely friendly and accommodating. From drinks by the pool watching the sun set to special desserts and songs for our anniversary, they made this an incredible experience. Management at all but one of the lodges stopped to speak to us personally and ensure our expectations were met! We even met other Americans and people from all over the world and had a terrific time discussing our daily adventures!

Everyone who sees our pictures is amazed. Our guide was wonderful at maneuvering the Land Rover and suggesting angles so that we captured the best shots.

We had a chance to compare other safari companies during our excursion and were overjoyed that we chose ADS for our first trip to Tanzania. We cannot say thank you enough for providing a trip that far exceeded our expectations and resulted in wonderful everlasting memories.

Patti and Joel Velasco
April 2011

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I Will Never Be Able To Enjoy A Zoo Again

As it is now several months from returning from one of most amazing trips in our live, it still feels like yesterday when my husband and I (along with two of our friends) were standing in a safari vehicle in awe of the beautiful wildlife. I am still in the process of going through over 1,000 photos – stopping and remembering as each photo was taken. The Mark Twain quote that is at the end of Africa Dream Safaris’ video clip, “Life is not measured by the amount of breaths we take…but by the moments that take our breath away” is very profound. And I can truly say I’ve experienced that moment!

The amount of planning and attention to detail that the entire staff of Africa Dream Safaris (ADS) is superb! From the initial planning process with Dawn Anderson stepping us through ever last bit (it was about 1-year in the planning stages) to saying goodbye at the airport curbside in Kilimanjaro – it was about as worry-free travel as it could be and it made the long journey from San Francisco to Kilimanjaro almost effortless. (Also, special kudos to the Arusha team who had to help with a flight segment from Nairobi to Kilimanjaro!!!). The information that is sent (in the planning binder and the handy-dandy “handbook”) is spot-on! I couldn’t study each of them enough and even with questions, all were answered by ADS!

Even with the flight from Arusha to the Serengeti airstrip was amazing – seeing jeep trails, animals from the air and the stunning geography. As we landed on the dirt airstrip warthogs running across the runway greeted us. Within an hour of getting in the safari jeep, we saw lions hunting, a leopard, and zebra – now that’s an amazing way to start a safari! Our spectacular guide, Fazal, saw our excitement and said that we would be in for more “ah ha” moments…he was certainly right!

We joked that he must have had a magical button on his steering wheel that had all of the animals – because as we would be in conversation about a specific species, low and behold…it would appear within a ½ hour of mention. We had our list (along with the one printed in the back of handbook) of animals we wanted to see. He made the entire experience very memorable and in speaking to others in the tented lodges in the evening, we really realized how special of a guide we had! He pretty much knows every watering hole, rock out crop and tree that the animals frequent.

Me, not being the “camping” type – enjoyed the luxury tented lodges. I can sort of boast that I “camped” in the Serengeti, but after revealing the photos of the two beautiful tented lodges we stayed at (Mbuzi Mawe and Lake Masek), I would be quickly corrected that “I wasn’t really roughing it.” The last night in the Ngorongoro Crater Lodge was beyond opulent. I actually don’t think there’s a word that could do it justice. My only disappointment of this entire safari is that we couldn’t stay at the Ngorongoro Crater Lodge longer!

At all of the places, the staff was friendly and the scenery was amazing. It did take me about 2-3 nights to get a good nights sleep – not because I wasn’t comfortable, rather I wanted to stay up and hear all of the animal noises and didn’t want to miss anything. We had vervet monkeys run up and across our tents, two elephants come very close for their evening dinner off nearby bushes and frequent post-dinner encounters with buffalo grazing. The food was very enjoyable. Taking boxed meals for breakfast & lunch was handy and it did allow us to stay in the field longer. It was nice to actually pull off and eat picnic style. Only once did we loose part of our lunch from a very bold vervet monkey who jumped into the vehicle and took off with a bag of apples.

I will never be able to really enjoy zoos again – being able to get so close to all of the animals! I loved that we would actually not be rushed and spend time observing personalities and traits of the animals. Very often we would be the first vehicle observing an animal (and the other tour safari vehicles would see us and make a bee-line to us). But more often, we would be the only vehicle around – not seeing another vehicle for hours! The variety and closeness to the animals is something I’ll never forget. In Ngorongoro Crater, two lions (one male, one female) were napping in the middle of the road and when vehicles pulled up to observer, they got up not to walk away, but to take advantage of the shade the vehicles could provide. I still won’t forget looking down on top of a lion’s head, holding my breath, to just listen to it breathe.

The remoteness was something to get used to – thinking it would be a very long walk if we broke down. ADS’s vehicles are beautifully maintained and we would giggle each morning, as the clean vehicle would pick us up only to know that we would find a huge mud puddle within an hour. Three times, we came to the aid of other vehicles that were broken down. Our extraordinary guide was like “MacGyver” (for those of you who remember this TV series – the guy who could fix his way out of anything).

I love telling this story about coming to the aid of a vehicle that clearly had a broken radiator (water puddle under the hood). It was before lunch, so we had our boxed lunches uneaten. Fazal asked if he could take a few hardboiled eggs to the broken vehicle. That’s fine – we’ll give them food – we thought…but as we watched Fazal, he was peeling the hardboiled eggs and cutting them up. He began stuffing the eggs in the radiator hose, poured water and asked the other driver to start the car to rev the engine. Water continued to pour out from underneath, but Fazal didn’t give up. He tried this a few more times, with several more eggs. Then the water stopped dripping. Fazal explained that as the heat of the engine increased, it made the eggs congeal and plug the hole in the radiator. So there…now you know if you have a broken radiator – just toss in a few eggs. Or as he said, elephant dung would have worked, too. (Didn’t have any of that near by). The other vehicle went merrily on their way, with a few extra water bottles from us and thankful they weren’t spending the night stranded.

Timing of our safari was in the spring – in the midst of the Great Migration. It is indeed “Great”. The temperatures were very pleasant and being from the Bay Area, knew we wouldn’t tolerate high summer heat. We are so glad that we used ADS for this trip! I can’t wait to get back to Tanzania again. I loved it so much, I am planning on a Kilimanjaro climbing trek and then treating myself to a post-climb safari. I’ll be back in touch with ADS!

Kindest Regards,

Nanette Nanjo-Jones
Pacifica, California
April 2011

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Tracey’s Green Season Safari

I have been home for a while now and the imprint of Tanzania is still vividly etched in my mind’s eye. From the moment we touched down at Kilimanjaro International Airport to the time we departed, ADS was with us all the way. From the caring and helpful ground crew, to the luxurious lodging, and most of all to our fantastic and absolutely best guides, JP and Angelbert, the trip was a dream come true.

JP and Angelbert have to be the top guides. They were charming, funny, and very patient with our “extra” large group. Their expert knowledge of the animals, birds, plant life, and Tanzanian history provided us with a complete view of their country. Their passion for their homeland was contagious.

When I set out on this adventure I had hoped to see a few animals in the wild. Such as a few lions, elephants, and maybe a hippo or two…but what I did see was truly unbelievable. I saw lions sleeping, relaxing in the shade, caring for young, and feasting, elephants galore from mamas to babies and lone males wandering the crater, hippos at the pool and running through our breakfast camp that added a bit of unexpected excitement. Standing in the middle of the wildebeest migration was a thrill worth doing twice and watching a mother cheetah “teach” her three cubs to hunt and then relax under and on our jeep is indescribable. The final thrill with the animals was our chance encounter with a lone male elephant in the Ngorongoro Crater. He came up over the hill, ears flapping, and walking at full speed toward us. He came close enough to touch as he passed by our jeep.

I would love to someday return to Tanzania for another ADS safari, but if I am not able I know I had THE trip of a lifetime. Many thanks to my traveling companions (the Aviano Gang), JP, Angelbert, and ADS!

Tracey A. Medeiros
April 2012

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Our Serengeti Plains trip with African Dream Safaris

Our Serengeti Plains trip with African Dream Safaris

Our group of 4 toured the Serengeti Plains with African Dream Safaris arriving April 11, 2011and departing April 18, 2011. The experience was everything I had hoped for and more. Dawn Anderson set pretty high expectations with the suggested itinerary. It was even better than that.

Our flight contained a bonus – an overview of the Serengeti with stops at Manyara, Kogatende and Grumeti, before Seronera. Our guide met us at the airplane. He matched up well with our group. Peter was skilled at finding game animals, helped to interpret their social interactions, and we often spoke of the inter-relationships between the animals and their environment. He also had a keen eye for birds, which he could quickly identify; I liked that! In addition, Peter was a good traveling companion to our group. We had a wide variety of conversations traveling, and in the evenings. He kept things light, informative, and had a good sense of humor. We were comfortable with him and enjoyed his company.

We saw more animals than I thought we would. Around Seronera, we saw a large variety of animals. Peter could spot leopards in a tree when others could not (including one in a sausage tree ½ mile from the Seronera airport). The hippos at Retima Pool in the morning and experiencing about 100 elephants walking down through a large meadow and passing so close to our vehicle we could almost touch them were highlights. The herds of impala cavorted and had mock battles in the morning in the same area. The giraffes were majestic.

We got some great shots of warthogs towards Moru Kopjes. And driving down the dusty main highway (it has not rained in a while) to Naabi Hill, we encountered our first serious wildebeest, with a herd about a mile long crossing the road, single file, in front of us. Quite a site!

Gol Kopjes was dry, and the big herds had already left the area. The remaining Grant’s and Thompson Gazelles looked sleek and clean. The lions, cheetahs and hyenas looked healthy and well fed. One morning we watched as a pride of lions confronted and chased off another female lion that may have wanted to join the pride.

In the Miti Mitatu area, we encounter the large, as far as the eye can see herds of wildebeest and zebras. We learn that there is a symbiotic relationship: the zebra have good eyesight, the wildebeest have a good sense of smell. We watched cheetahs (the 3 brothers) make a mad charge into the wildebeest, but fail to make a kill. Worn out from their efforts, they lay down and we leave. We do see them the next day – Peter says they are looking hungry, so apparently they did not make a kill.

We later watched a mother cheetah with 3 cubs who have found a young Thompson Gazelle. She watches while her young take turns chasing the animal and try to kill it – Nature in action. And on Saturday, after driving through the big herds for some time, we encounter a pride of lions in the open plain near a waterhole. They have fed (a young male has a potbelly from overeating) and are now sleeping. Since it is noontime, we crack open our box lunches and eat lunch in the middle of a pride of lions. We look at each other and remark “No one will believe us.” It seemed like every day, Peter would come up with another scene different or better than the day before.

On Saturday, we drive to Matiti Mountain, seeing innumerable animals and birds as we pass thru the woodlands. We have our box breakfast and tea sitting on the mountainside with the dik-dik, looking out over the green Matiti Plains. We drive 5 miles out onto the plain and visit a dead wildebeest that the buzzards and marabou storks have congregated at. The social interaction of the buzzard community is intense—much squawking, fighting, even landing on each other out of the blue.

On our trip back to Seronera to catch the plane, we travel via Kusini airstrip, then towards Moru Kopjes, and on to Seronera. We do see game all the way to Kusini, along with lions and hyenas at various times. In the area of the Simiyu River, we encounter very large herds of Wildebeests. It is impressive to see several hundred thousand of the animals all about you. Appears they are on the move. We are sorry to be leaving!

Our accommodations were excellent. Mbuzi Mawe was super. I particularly liked the Private Luxury Camp since it was just our group. It was fun sitting with our sundowners around a campfire looking out over the endless plain. The staff, food and service were excellent. Lake Masek was Kathy’s favorite as we could sit on the veranda before dinner and watch the giraffes and zebras parade by with the hippos grunting in the lake. The doves provided a musical background. Food was excellent at all the lodges and camps.

It was a superb trip. You may add our names and phone number to the ADS reference list. We would be happy to share our experiences with others.

David and Kathy Cook
San Mateo, California
April 2011

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Our April Adventure

Absolutely incredible! This was the most amazing trip we have ever experienced. Our April safari definitely exceeded our expectations. The accommodations were great and the game viewing was phenomenal. Our guides were excellent and with their expertise we had 90 big cat sightings (73 lions, 12 cheetahs, and 5 leopards). We even experienced a Cheetah kill. We experienced the BIG 5 beyond our dreams. There aren’t enough words to explain the feeling we had when our guides drove us into the middle of the migration in the southeastern Serengeti……..WOW. Wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles as far as the eye could see, in every direction. We will never forget it.

ADS and our contact person prepared us well for our April adventure. There were no unexpected problems. Our Driver/Guides, as mentioned before, were a big part of our experience. Their knowledge and ability to find game was a great asset. Every day was a new adventure in game viewing and landscape. We laughed, learned, sang, dined together and felt like we were good friends at the end of our trip.

We highly recommend ADS to anyone thinking of going on an African Safari. I wouldn’t be surprised if we do it again.

Mark & Dana Hagenbaugh
April 2011

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Quote of the Week: Bobby and Tricia Mohon

First of all, without any knowledge of how to choose a Safari company, we made the right choice by choosing Africa Dream Safaris. They went out of their way to make sure our trip was the experience of a lifetime. They even helped us celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary by providing us with gifts, champagne and serenading us with song. It was so special.

I can’t say enough about our guide. He was wonderful, and always professional. After returning from a long day of game viewing, we would share stories of what we had seen with other hotel guests. They were usually jealous because our guide had taken us to see things that they had not seen. We experienced a cheetah on the hood of our car, male lions eating a fresh zebra carcass, a mother lion and her cubs, baby elephants, and so much more. We actually got to see black rhinos mating! I can’t imagine seeing any more wildlife than we did. Our guide was very knowledgeable about the different types of wildlife, and there was no time that we did not feel safe in his care – even when getting within 10-15 feet of some animals!

The hotel accommodations were wonderful. I especially loved the tented lodges. They had all the modern amenities, but with the feeling of being outdoors in a tent. One night we heard elephants and lions outside. It was amazing! We actually picked the perfect time of the year to travel on safari, early April. I was a little concerned because it was supposed to be the rainy season, but the weather couldn’t have been more perfect. We had rain one day for about an hour (it even hailed!) but that was all. We didn’t experience the crowds that we heard about at other times. We were alone on most of our excursions, which made the wildlife viewing more enjoyable.

Bobby made all the arrangements with our safari consultant beforehand. She helped him with planning every step of the way. I was also impressed by our follow-up interview. Africa Dream Safaris is very concerned that everyone has the best experience possible. Thank you for helping us with our trip of a lifetime!

Bobby and Tricia Mohon
Magnolia, Texas

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Quote of the Week: Ann Eilert – Aviano, Italy

I have just returned from an absolutely fantastic trip with ADS to Tanzania, and it was so incredible – so amazing – I just have to share! First let me mention that this was not my first, but third time to be blessed in visiting this beautiful part of the world. I was once again simply in awe at the sheer wonder of it all – the raw natural beauty which is so rarely seen and experienced – something one simply cannot take for granted in this modern world that we live in today. Something deep within seems to draw me back to Africa, and hopefully this trip will not be my last! I could go on and on about all that we saw and yet never do the trip justice in just a few paragraphs, so I will instead simply mention a few of my personal highlights.

We witnessed from start to finish as a mother cheetah taught her three young cubs the fine art of the hunt as she allowed them to stalk a young gazelle. It took more than just a little patience on her part, but the chase finally ended in the cubs’ favor and they were rewarded with a much needed meal. They then rested under our vehicles with one cub eventually “hopping up” on the hood of one of our vehicles for an exciting “up close and personal” face to face encounter for all!

We watched a male lion, having obviously already eaten his fill that morning on a freshly killed zebra, attempt to stalk and kill a young baby wildebeest. He had the little guy literally in his grasp, but the feisty little fellow eluded the lion and miraculously lived to see another day!

We witnessed firsthand as a “family” of no less than nine lionesses and cubs feasted on a Wildebeest kill in the cool morning shade of the kopjes where they lived.

We watched a young female leopard, after first walking directly under our vehicle (Yes, she was THAT close!) set out to stalk (by SCENT, not by sight) two small reedbuck which were hiding in the thick reeds nearby. We were able to observe firsthand the hunt through our binoculars (provided by ADS) as her stalking attempt slowly unfolded – and in both cases she (unfortunately for her) overshot her prey’s location in the marsh – and they bounded quickly away to safety.

Animal activity was abounding…and we were humble witnesses to it all. It was, simply put – AMAZING.

I MUST not fail to mention that we would NEVER have been able to have such an incredible and memorable safari experience without our two wonderful Tanzanian ADS guides! We had 8 people in our party split between two vehicles, and you can be sure that we “mixed it up” each and every day, knowing it didn’t matter in the least which vehicle we might find ourselves. BOTH guides were professional, experienced, well-read and truly knowledgeable in their understanding of animal behavior. You could tell they bent over backwards to see that we were having a wonderful experience, and they became great companions and friends to us all. They were truly instrumental in making our trip as successful and enjoyable as it was.

So in closing, I just wish to thank ADS for planning such an exceptional experience for us all! Every aspect of this trip highly met and/or exceeded expectation, with an emphasis on the latter. In my book, it truly was (and I don’t say this lightly, based on past experiences) the trip of a lifetime!

Ann Eilert – Aviano, Italy
April 2011

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Quote of the Week: Jim Schmidt & Karla Marshall

From the moment we contacted Africa Dream Safaris, we knew we selected the right group to design our personalized safari with our friends Chris and Nanette. Their responsiveness, customer service and attention to detail and was outstanding. Our safari in April with ADS spanned the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater. From the moment we stepped off the plane in Kilimanjaro to the plane ride home, every detail was handled with the utmost care and attention to detail. Our very likeable and incredibly knowledgeable driver-guide, who soon became a cherished friend, delivered beyond expectations and our expectations were very high as we anticipated this epic adventure for over a year. The tented accommodations were very comfortable and while staying at the Lake Masek Tented Lodge on the banks of Lake Masek, we often heard snorting hippos in the water just below. The Crater Lodge on the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater was luxurious yet really fit the surroundings. From cool beverages and towels to welcome us upon are arrival to the drawn bathtub with rose petals when we returned from safari, the experience there made us wish we were staying longer. While enjoying appetizers and cocktails on the outside terrace overlooking the amazing crater, our decision in selecting ADS was again reinforced as we traded stories about our safari experiences with guests who hadn’t booked with ADS.

Over the course of our two weeks, were able to enjoy the experience of observing many different kinds of wildlife up close including lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, elephants, hippos, black rhinos, giraffes, zebras, dik diks, warthogs, gazelles and even stood in the middle of one million wildebeests. Although there are so many we could easily recount, two memories we will always have is an adult lion slowly walking by our stopped Land Rover and hearing its tail “thump” the vehicle door as it checked us out and walked on by –and– watching several baboons while they sat on the hood and top canvas of our vehicle as they peered in at us. While we saw other vehicles during our time in the bush, we also had many times our driver-guide took us to places for which there were no other vehicles or people. It never felt crowded and in fact one day as we were driving across the Serengeti, it occurred to us we had not seen another vehicle or another human for over two hours. ADS also arranged for our hot-air balloon flight across the Serengeti. At times the balloon only floated at tree-top level as we quietly floated over pools of hippos and grazing giraffes.

Africa Dream Safaris is the right partner for this kind of adventure — our experiences and memories on this trip will last a life time.

Jim Schmidt & Karla Marshall
April 2011

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We will do this again with ADS

When we arrived at the Seronera Airstrip in the Serengeti, our guide for the next nine days introduced himself and we discussed what we wanted to do and see. We told him we were interested in the predators, Lions, Leopards, Cheetahs along with some Elephants, Giraffes and the other assorted animals that come to mind when you think of Africa. I kind of figured this would keep him busy trying to fill our wish list for a couple of days and we got started.

Within a couple of hours we came across Zebras, Wildebeest, Hippos and a Leopard up in a tree. We then run across Lions, Elephants, Ostrich, Impala, Dik Diks, Giraffes, Cape Buffalo, Jackal, Hyena and Baboons, not to mention all kinds of birds. When we first left the airport there were a number of other guide companies driving around. After a couple of hours we found ourselves in areas without another soul in site. We figured either our guide was lost or he was taking us where the others just didn’t want to go! I think this might be why we had seen such an assortment of animals the first day. We would be driving down the road and our guide would stop and tell us about the Cheetah or Lion out in the grass and after five minutes or so we would finally see him.

The next day he asked us what we wanted to see. Well, he didn’t even break a sweat the first day. This was way too easy for him, so I had to modify our wish list. I wanted to see the same animals, only with babies and I reminded him that we had not seen a Cheetah yet. We had just gotten started and we came across a Leopard with a cub. We ran into more Lions, more Zebras and then came across Cheetahs. We ended up with Cheetahs in the grass, Cheetahs in the rocks, Cheetahs on the road. We were amazed at the number and variety of animals we seen including about twelve Black Rhino at the crater. He could not produce a Baby Rhino, but I think he really tried. This was unheard of.

We had pretty high expectations for the trip and we found African Dream Safaris exceeded them. Our biggest regret was doing the ten day trip. We really should have added another week onto it. Ten days just wasn’t enough. The lodging was great, the food was exceptional. We generally had the picnic box breakfast and lunch and found that there was too much food. We always had food left over. We will do this again with ADS; it might be a few years down the road, but that will give us something to look forward to.

Thanks for a great trip!

George and Eileen Jensen
March 2011

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Quote of the Week: Scott Kasden

I spent over eight months researching my trip of a lifetime, and decided upon ADS. Why? Service. From the first contact with my safari organizer until I was brought back to Kilimanjaro, my son and I were treated like royalty. ADS listened to what I wanted out of the safari, and arranged our personal experience to make it happen.

The most important thing was safety. I was concerned by the unrest in the Middle East and Northern Africa, but that was a world away. Tanzania was safe, the people were lovely, and worked hard to ensure our happiness. The work ethic and professionalism of the Tanzanian people is amazing, and they were a pleasure to get to know.

Our lodges (tent and fixed structures) were wonderful. They were unique, comfortable, and a pleasure. As good as they were however, they came in a distant second to our classic camping experience. It was wonderful to be the only people within miles, camping in the Serengeti. On our second day we discovered that a pride of lions was staying less than a half mile away! We had private cooks, and shared gourmet meals in complete style and comfort.

But we went to Tanzania for the safari, and that was the best part of all. The roads are rugged, but our Range rover was more than capable. The slide back top provided wonderful access so that I could capture some amazing photos (over 4 thousand, so be sure to bring a portable back up drive/card reader). The vehicle was comfortable and roomy.

We were told that our guide would soon become our best friend. I must tell you, that we spent almost every day from before dawn until the last fading light of the evening with him, and he indeed was our companion and best friend. He worked tirelessly to not only take us to the most remote places to find interesting animals/places, he was a virtual encyclopedia of information. He brought field guides to help with the rare fact that he did not know. He took pride in his professionalism and his country. We miss him.

When I talk to friends about my experience, they always ask me what was the best part. Of course we loved the animals, the landscape, the people, and our guide. If I had to say one thing, it would be that every day there was a new adventure, something exciting at every turn. Some days we would be out for hours without seeing another human, and we enjoyed these experiences all to ourselves. It just couldn’t get any better.

Scott Kasden
March 2011

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A Dozen Elephants Visited Our Lodge Pool

Lynn, this trip was the most fabulous we’ve ever taken! I don’t think we can ever duplicate or match it for it beauty of Tanzania, its people and its animals. Our accommodations were outstanding…truly first rate. We were spoiled especially by the Crater Lodge staff! But each lodge was unique. We were thrilled when a dozen elephants visited the pond behind Bilila Lodge. Then, at Kusini Tented Camp, the camp director treated us to a short astronomy lesson of the stars and constellations in the beautiful night sky; no light pollution! What a marvelous view of the Milky Way.

Our safari guides were kind, courteous and so well informed…and so proud of their country! We felt very safe and comfortable with them and learned so much from them. The idea of our group using two vehicles turned out to be a very good suggestion…not just from the standpoint of having extra room for viewing the animals but because one vehicle could always return to the lodge early while the other could stay out longer for those of us who could not get enough of the animals and scenery. Every aspect of the trip was wonderful…and we’ve got lots of photos to remember it by.

Thanks for all your careful planning on our behalf. It was a dream come true for us.

Ouida and Wayne Drinkwater
Ridgeland, Mississippi
March 2011

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Quote of the Week: Rich and Cathie Guimond

We hope that you like these photos and can use them in your updates. We had a fabulous time during our safari and everything went extremely well. We loved all of our accommodations. We hope to return in a few years with more members of our family. However, it will be hard to top the animal encounters that we observed this time.

This adventure was a celebration of our wedding anniversary. We topped it off by purchasing a very nice Tanzanite and diamond ring for Catherine at the Cultural Heritage shop as we drove back into Arusha. She is thrilled with the ring.

While we were there we saw many people with large groups. Six to eight in a vehicle and two to four vehicle caravans. We were very happy that we were on our private safari with ADS instead of being packed into those vehicles. We know some people that were on a group safari with Thompson in January. There were a total of eighteen in their group. The price for them in the large group was almost the same as our cost for the private safari. Although they enjoyed their safari it was not the same private and tailored experience that we had. Asanta sana!

Rich and Cathie Guimond
March 2011

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Cheetahs at Gol Kopjes

The Gol Kopjes area is certainly not disappointing our safari guests! This green season with continued exceptional cheetah viewing. Though the green season has been on the dry side this year, just enough rain has fallen to provide enough fresh grass growth to keep the gazelles and thus the cheetahs on these eastern plains around Gol Kopjes. Sametu Kopjes, with it’s permanent waterhole, has been really great this year for lion activity. The large Sametu Lion Pride has seemingly been a permanent fixture around the waterhole for the last two months.

Special thanks to Kirk Palmer and family for sending in these great pictures of a successful cheetah stalk, chase and kill at the Gol Kopjes (note one of the kopjes at Gol in the background) on February 23rd. Click here to watch a video of the cheetah chase.

Cheetah Hunt - February 23, 2011
Cheetah Hunt – February 23, 2011


Cheetah Hunt - Gol Kopjes - February 23, 2011
Cheetah Hunt – Gol Kopjes – February 23, 2011


Enjoying the Green Season - Lake Ndutu - February 24, 2011
Enjoying the Green Season – Lake Ndutu – February 24, 2011

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Exceptional Green Season Game Viewing

We want to thank Africa Dream Safaris for making our dream trip come true. After forty years of hoping he could return to Tanzania, this time to visit the Serengeti, my husband finally got his wish. The safari and all the arrangements promised by ADS transpired exactly as promised – no surprises except that the experience was more wonderful than we expected, and everything we could have dreamed of. From the first lodging in Arusha until saying goodbye to our guide at the airport, everything was perfect. I particularly appreciate the presence of several staff in Arusha, knowing were any problems to arise, we had the ability to get in touch with them at any time.

Within minutes of landing at the Seronera airstrip we were seeing cheetahs. Within a couple hours, we saw nearly every animal we hoped to see on the entire trip. Who would have imagined seeing dozens of lions, thousands and thousands of zebras, cheetahs and leopards every day. All thanks to the incredible eye of our guide, and the teamwork of all the ADS guides in the area. The guide’s insight into animal behavior, the Serengeti ecosystem, and frankly anything we could dream up to ask him, was incredible. We learned as much about East Africa, Tanzania, its people, politics and culture, as we did about the animals. He even helped my husband brush up on his Swahili! Francis’ company was most welcome, and the ADS’s high standards shows through in their selection of guides.

We were truly amazed at how close we were able to get to the animals. Herds of elephants surrounding our vehicle, lions lounging next to the wheel of the truck, a leopard sauntering across the road in front of us, all manner of predators stalking prey within yards of us. The lodges were all very comfortable, but our favorite was our last – Lemala Ngorongoro Camp. A very peaceful setting, with the most attentive service one could ever imagine. And the best popcorn I have ever eaten!! All the lodges provided a wonderful nights rest, good food and a chance to catch up with other ADS guests we came to know during our trip.

I can’t recommend Africa Dream Safaris highly enough and would not see the Serengeti any other way. Their responsiveness during the planning stage, the excellence of their guides, the quality of the accommodations before, during and after safari, the comfort of their vehicles, (three people in our 8-passenger vehicle, versus 6 people in 6-passenger vehicle with other companies) the ability to customize the experience from beginning to end and the support staff available on site all add up to the perfect trip. Thanks again, ADS.

Mary Ann D. and Wade L
Juneau, Alaska
March 2011



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Trip of a Lifetime

We’ve been back now for about three days from our safari and still can’t stop talking about it or waking up thinking about everything we saw.   Words simply can’t describe how amazing it was.   When people say a safari is a “trip of a lifetime,” I now know what they mean.  We saw animals and sights that I thought I would only ever see on Planet Earth or National Geographic.  Yet, there we were – parked within a few feet of lionesses noisily growling and feeding together – or next to baby elephants playfully charging each other.

Two things amazed me most on the safari – the volume of animals we saw and the close proximity we got to them.  On a ten-day safari we must have seen 20 cheetah, 50 or 60 lions, herds of 50 or more elephants, 5 leopards, several rhino, and countless giraffe, ostrich, zebras, warthogs, and wildebeest.  We also saw babies of everything, which we could have watched for hours.  One morning, we sat and watched two cheetah cubs jumping and playing for at least 30 minutes.  They would stalk one another through the bushes, leaping at each other and rolling in the dirt.  Once in a while the mom would get in on the action and run at them playfully.  We got very close to almost all of the animals. Looking into the deep, amber colored eyes of a lioness lounging next to our jeep was something I won’t forget.  Nor will I forget being within about 50 yards of a herd of 46 elephants who turned and all stared at us when we pulled up, circling around their babies – before relaxing and going back to eating and playing while we intently watched.

We chose to stay at tented camps, all of which were fantastic.  We loved to be able to hear the animals at night.   Our favorite accommodation by far was the private camping.  We pulled up to the campsite in Ndutu – beautiful green grass and acacia trees and two tents – set up just for us.  Having dinner and sitting under the campfire with drinks afterwards looking up at the stars while hyenas whooped and lions grunted in the distance was almost surreal.  Rama, the camp manager, was perfect in anticipating our every need and we had a great time talking with him each day.  We also very much enjoyed the Kusini and Ngorongoro Lemala Camps.  At Kusini one night while sitting at the campfire sipping wine and stargazing with the camp managers, we could hear two large prides of lions within a kilometer of each side of the camp roaring.  At Lemala, a hungry elephant hung out behind our tent all night eating from the nearby trees.  Absolutely incredible!

Finally – and most importantly – I wanted to comment on our guide.  His experience, expertise, and warm personality absolutely made our trip the amazing experience it was.  He had almost 20 years of experience in guiding and it certainly showed.  He knew in-depth information on every animal and bird we saw and made the drive and viewing more interesting and exciting because of it.  He also didn’t just drive and try and spot animals as it seemed like drivers from some other companies were doing – he was constantly working with other drivers to see what was out there each day and find the best areas and animals for us to view.  As a result, we got to see everything we wanted, and much more.

Thank you to Dawn and Africa Dream Safaris for an incredible trip that we will never forget. We hope to see you again soon – Dave and I are already thinking about a return trip in a few years for our anniversary!

Moira and David Funcheon
Chicago, Illinois
February 2011

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