We are so glad we found Africa Dream Safaris. We’ve been home four days and we still are feeling high from our adventure. There are many things we want to share with you—many of them you already know, but some of our experiences were unique. First, the wildlife of the Serengeti was everything we expected. Were there things we didn’t see? Yes. We waited two hours at the Mara River for three thousand wildebeest to cross. They almost got their toes wet, but they didn’t go in. But, if you want guarantees go to the zoo, watch the circus, or rent a movie.
Now for the human side. ADS performed as advertised as soon as we left the plane at Kilimanjaro Airport. The VIP treatment was extraordinary and truly appreciated. On our first full day in Tanzania our guide took us Mwangaza Primary School in Arusha. Dotti led the class in singing the Jambo song. This is a very easy song to learn and it breaks a lot of ice. Here is a link to the song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK0wPpLryc4 . You have to change the word “Kenya” to “Tanzania”. Two Swahili phrases that we used frequently were “poli poli” (slowly, slowly) as guards led us back to our room at night and “hakuna matata”, (no problem). People remember hakuna matata from The Lion King.
Now back to our safari. We could not ask for a better guide. He was articulate, intelligent, knowledgeable, friendly and had a fabulous sense of humor. We had dinner together our last night. He took both our hands and shared how he enjoyed being our guide. When we said goodbye at the Arusha Hotel, there were tears in all three of our eyes as we hugged and said Kawaheri. He is truly a friend.
Africn Dream Safaris has used Serengeti Serena, Ngorongoro Sopa, and Tarangire River Lodge many times and we have no complaints. But, Buffalo Springs Lodge is new and we want to share our experience there. The following day after arriving we got up early and our guide drove Seketu (the local Maasai guide) and us to Seketu’s boma (village). Seketu’s brother, John, greeted us and was our host. John gave us a brief description of Maasai life—polygamy, community sharing, etc. Then Seketu invited us into his house. We were inside about 30 minutes. We talked about Maasai life. We met Seketu’s wife and six-month old son. This was one of the highlights of our safari. Bah on the wildebeests who wouldn’t cross the river.
The wildlife was all we expected. What we didn’t expect was the human contact. From the school visit in Arusha to the welcome at Buffalo Springs; to Seketu’s home to F.A.M.E.; from the market at Karatu to the friendship with our guide—we did not expect this. Asante Sana,”
Alex and Dotti Reisbord
October 2010
A cheetah staring intently at something in the distance… is it friend or foe? or dinner?
A family of lions gathered on a wayward tree trunk.
A leopard… doing exactly what leopards do best!