Our Guide Certainly Made The Trip Exceptional

We checked a big one off the bucket list with our private safari in Tanzania. Of course, from all we heard and read, we knew it would be quite an adventure, however no one could have ever described just how thrilling the safari would be!

From the moment we met our guide after getting off the bush plane, things just kept getting better and better. Within 20 minutes of being on safari we spotted a sleeping lion. In less than 2 hours we watched a leopard climb down a tree!

Our guide had so much experience that we were able to track the leopard, and had the thrill of him walking right in front of our Land Cruiser. And this was all happening barely into day one!

Our guide, Didah, certainly made the trip exceptional. Not only did he seem to know where to find the most wildlife, he seemed to always position us in a manner that allowed us to then follow the animals. I knew we would see a lot of wildlife, but I never knew how much we would get to watch them play!

Steve and Pam S.
Seneca, South Carolina
Safari Dates: April 13, 2018 to April 22, 2018